COVID-19 has been the accelerant for digital collaboration, homeworking and even wider adoption of Teams.
As part of the IP Telephony Guide produced by Comms Business, UC Product Director at Wavenet, Barry Ward was interviewed and gave his thoughts on pain points and integrating solutions. The IP Telephony Guide aims to serve resellers and MSPs looking to arm their customers with the technology to beat COVID and turn their heads to an effective long-term technology strategy.
The widespread adoption of public cloud services and the growth of the mobile workforce have rendered perimeter-based security models obsolete. An organisation’s applications and data are likely to exist both inside the traditional firewall and beyond it. Security and IT teams can no longer assume that users and their devices (both personal and corporate) on the network are any safer than those on the outside. Perimeter controls do little to prevent an attacker from moving laterally on the network after gaining initial access to it.
At the moment, there are between 60 and 70 companies that claim they do SD-WAN. This can be confusing for a lot of users, as it leads us to assume that all SD-WAN providers are equal. However, SD-WAN is not the same. The supplier you use makes a difference.
The before, during and after guide to running your online meetings like a professional with our 10 easy steps.
Meet, chat and collaborate inclusively in Microsoft Teams. An overview of the accessibility options available within Microsoft Teams to support visual, hearing and cognitive needs.
Customers have a wealth of choice at their fingertips, from the companies they choose to do business with, to they way in which they communicate with those businesses.
It's our favourite collaboration platform and now Microsoft have made it even better with some great new accessibility options to improve your user experience.
About Greater Manchester Academies Trust The Trust was formed in September 2015 when the two schools involved in its foundation shared the same aspiration for all students, irrespective of background or ability and shared the same moral purpose to mitigate disadvantage for it students. All of the work the Trust does is to serve the educational interests of their students in becoming successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.
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