It will be no surprise to hear that the sophistication of everyday cyber threats is so much greater than a few years ago, and will no doubt be even more sophisticated in the years to come. To stay protected against known and emerging threats, organisations need to think smart and implement solutions and processes that not only respond to – but also detect attacks in real time.
Over three quarters of customers expect to solve complex problems in a single interaction with one agent. But let’s be honest, you can’t do that with your legacy call or contact centre, can you?
Financial services organisations experienced three times the number of cyber security breaches in 2023 than in 2022.
When you think of the world of cyber and information security, what do you see? Is it a someone in a dark room, wearing a black hooded top, hunched over a computer with Matrix-style green code on the screen? Or, is it an office cleaner, wheeling a trolley full of sprays and cloths around desks as they scout a business – or someone who appears to be a health and safety inspector sneaking onto workers' computers to gather sensitive information? If you'd pictured the first scene, you're not alone. That's how the world at large tends to view cyber crime – and of course, much cyber crime is conducted by people sitting in front of computers. But if you'd pictured the second, then you'd be looking beyond that to the real lengths such criminals go to when trying to hack into organisations. And you’d also be picturing one of the unexpected and unique ways we at Wavenet can help your own company protect itself from devastating and costly attacks on its data. It's all part of our penetration testing service, and our Ethical Hacker and Principal Consultant, Rob Shapland explains more in this blog.
Nearly three quarters of customers expect immediate support.
Approximately 97% of cyberattacks and data breaches could be prevented if organisations had comprehensive security measures in place.
What's happening? The Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) are the traditional infrastructure supporting the UK’s phonelines and broadband. However, these outdated systems are being phased out, with the stop-sell already put in place. The deadline for the switch-off is December 31st, 2025. After that date, your legacy systems simply will not work.
The Great Place To Work (GPTW) organisation is a global authority set out to improve workplace culture within modern businesses. Their mission is to help every workplace become a better place to work fostering more spirited, successful and sustainable businesses by providing leaders the tools to enhance their overall employee experience (1). GPTW has facilitated surveys for over 100 million employees worldwide, spanning more than 18,000 companies. As a result of this they have significantly improved business cultures and working environments (2). The organisation runs on a certification basis where participating businesses can earn numerous accreditations that qualify them as great places to work.
Since 2020, overall tenant satisfaction has decreased from 84% to 79%.
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