Protecting your Mental Wellbeing when Working from Home

13/07/21 Wavenet
Protecting your Mental Wellbeing when Working from Home placeholder thumbnail

How are you feeling?


Working from home comes with it's own challenges, it can leave you feeling isolated and disconnected from your team. Here are some tips to help you support your and your team's mental wellbeing.

With the shift to remote working likely to remain for some time it's important we recognise how this may affect our mental health and that of those around us. By working together we can take care of ourselves and our colleagues.




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Tip 1: Work/Life Balance


It's easy to find yourself working longer hours, taking fewer breaks and spending more time at your desk when working from home.

Set some reminders on your phone to take a break, make sure you take at least a 30-minute lunch break and if you can, try to get some fresh air.

This might be having your lunch outside, or taking a short walk. Having regular breaks is shown to improve your focus.
It's also important to set a time you plan on finishing work.






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Tip 2: Check-in with colleagues


Working from home, particularly if you live alone can feel very isolated. Keep connected with regular virtual check-ins with your team and colleagues. Schedule these in your diary and don't be afraid to ask your colleagues how they're doing.
A weekly chat that's also not focussed around work can do wonders for making people feel connected why not schedule a virtual coffee and catch-up on a Friday afternoon.






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Tip 3: Establish new ways of working

Working remotely can leave you feeling disconnected from your team, particularly when it comes to collaborative work. It's important to establish these new ways of working, and what you and your team need to deliver. Platforms such as Microsoft Teams help you work on documents collaboratively allowing you to interact as if you were in the office.
Working remotely is a bit of trial and error when it comes to joint work so it's important to have honest feedback in regards to what is and isn't working for the team.






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Tip 4: Take advantage of technology

A simple video call can remind you that you actually work with other human beings and not just a screen. Encourage team members to turn their cameras on for weekly meetings and catchups.

Pick up the phone instead of sending a voicemail and make use of emojis and gifs when communicating with your team to add some personality to your interactions over instant messaging.






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Tip 5: Have a Wellness plan in place

Take some time to set up a wellness plan with your team. It doesn't need to be a formal document but just something you can refer back to and helps you remain focused on your mental wellbeing. It can even form part of your weekly catch-up meetings.
You don't need to have a mental health problem in order to feel the benefits of a wellness plan, it just means you've already got practical steps in place for when you aren't feeling too great.






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Tip 6: Connect With Nature

It's been proven that spending time outside positively impacts our health, helps with focus and reduces our feelings of stress and anxiety.

Make time to get outside to enjoy nature. Whether it's tending to your garden, going for a long walk or simply taking a moment to sit and appreciate the sights and sounds around you. Connecting with nature is a fantastic way to improve your mental health.







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Tip 7: Get Help

It's important to recognise when you are struggling and seek appropriate help. Your mental health impacts on everything you do and looking after it should be a priority. Confide in a close friend, family member or colleague if you can or reach out to any of these charities below.









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