How to choose the right Business Broadband

13/10/14 Wavenet
How to choose the right Business Broadband placeholder thumbnail

Often business broadband services are sold at a premium to residential users so it is important to choose the right package to fit your organisation.

If your company relies heavily on its broadband service then it is vital to have a dependable and stable connection at all times to prevent losing sales and revenue. Business broadband can help different sized organisations find the best connection for them in a number of different ways.

Faster, Reliable and more Capable Broadband

Aside from the basics of being able to access the internet and send emails, Business Broadband packages offer a faster, reliable and more capable facility than the standard residential options. A more robust broadband connection can enable different offices to communicate quicker, cheaper and more effectively. By using an internet based messaging tool such as MS Teams, staff are able to send quick messages to each other rather than typing out emails or leaving voicemails. They can also utilise business broadband capability of hosting a Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) service to reduce telephone costs between branches.

A second important feature which is often found with the majority of wireless business broadband deals is enhanced security options. These can include automated backing up of files, heightened anti-virus and improved spyware but check with the individual provider.

Dedicated broadband support team

If a problem should arise its critical to a business to get back online as soon as possible to reduce lost revenue, to support this there is usually a dedicated technical support number for business plan users with a faster service level agreement in place depending on the package selected. This can actually mean the difference between getting back online in minutes rather than hours or perhaps even days. If a fault does unfortunately occur, some packages will even offer a failover or emergency connection to keep you trading on a secondary service while the issue is resolved. If you are an online retailer this is vital to keep sales orders coming in and employees working while the problem is fixed.

As there are so many business packages on the market, it is important to compare two critical features – speed and download limits. Depending on your business type and size, one may be more important than the other however both will have an effect on the cost of the service. If you need a super-fast connection with unlimited downloads it is likely to incur a premium cost.

Networking & Connectivity, Business Broadband, Articles

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