The Importance of Data Cabling

30/03/20 Wavenet
The Importance of Data Cabling placeholder thumbnail

Data Cabling isn't just about making things look neat and tidy, it's about future-proofing your business. 


Much has been written about our world being on the cusp of a fourth industrial revolution with the technology industry riding the crest of the wave that transcends the digital age. There is no doubt that the globalised business network, particularly organisations here in the UK, can only realise this awakening that is being spurred on largely by IoT (Internet of Things), if there is solid infrastructure in place.


Speed, what else?


The move to faster broadband has clearly benefited the UK, with a positive impact on our economy a clear vindication. However, the focus on internet speed needs to be reevaluated. We certainly need a quick connection but if there isn’t a reliable, robust and future-proofed network that is supported by solid infrastructure, then speed won't matter as the network will eventually fail.


Why should we future-proof?


High quality data cabling underpins all infrastructure within an organisation. Structured data cabling systems allow you to carry voice and data in any format. Changes to the system can be made simply by moving patch leads and plugging them into their new position. Without a good quality data cabling system, the data will be transmitted at a slower rate increasing the risk of information being corrupted or lost. Structured data cabling installation is highly flexible and allows you to maximise space and enable the rapid deployment or redeployment of PC and telephone hardware.

Fibre optic broadband is hugely advantageous but it is still vulnerable to issues if the network it is utilised in is not networked correctly.

Breakout boxes


In order to troubleshoot in a quick and accessible manner, utilise breakout boxes. They provide a compact and low cost solution to keeping the fibre cables in working order, as well as neat and tidy. However, be sure to employ robust casings that can last in harsh environments, with weatherproof casings offering a real advantage.




Much like the use of casings for protection, it is also important to ensure that the same level of protection is afforded to the exposed hardware.

The pressure on IT systems to deliver results and offer company dependency have never been greater. Offices across the UK now comprise of more cables, wires and other hardware than ever before, yet the preference is that this infrastructure is hidden.

Due to a typical organisation’s dependency on the cabling infrastructure, along with the workload placed upon it, risk of wear and tear is high, so reducing the chances of any potential damage to a cabling setup is key.

IT departments and firms often get stressed when they find a network is under-performing. So when the route cause is cabling that resembles a spaghetti junction as opposed to a fully functional structured cabling system, it compounds the frustration.

Preventative action to avoid accidental damage to your system is important, so is keeping your cables managed in the right way. Good cable management within data cabinets and racks is essential, allowing cables to be kept in order and managed effectively.

Follow these simple tips and not only will the office on an organisation function in a productive and efficient manner, but there will be minimal downtime and a reduced risk of loss of revenue.


Making a case for future proofing


There are a number of issues that can affect the functionality of a system which can have a direct impact on the productivity and success of an organisation. Downtime and slow speeds are commonplace within many of the UK’s businesses; resulting in potential loss of productivity and revenue.  

Regardless of broadband speed, it is a necessity that any system should be  connected in the right way and equipped with the best products.

Networking & Connectivity, Business Broadband, Fibre Ethernet

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