Turbo Boost your Backup and Recovery

19/08/19 Wavenet
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A disaster recovery strategy is vital for any businesses, particularly due to the vast array of online security threats which appear on a regular basis.


In order to develop an effective disaster recovery plan, you’ll need to have an appropriate backup and recovery solutions in place. 


By taking action now, before disaster strikes, you can protect your business, your customers and your data. If you leave it too late, however, retrieving your data could be far more time-consuming and costly, or it may simply be impossible to achieve. 

Protecting Your Business


Whilst all companies should try to minimise the risk of data loss, having an effective backup option in place ensures you’re prepared if the worst should happen. An effective security strategy should mitigate the risks of viruses, ransomware, malware and breaches, but no security measures can guarantee that a security breach won’t occur. 


Due to this, it’s important to have disaster management in place. With the right preparation, you’ll be able to restore data easily, minimise your company’s downtime, meet security and compliance requirements and make use of the best data storage solutions. 


Whether you’re using on-site storage solutions, hybrid storage or cloud options, we have a range of pioneering solutions which will ensure your company can recover from data loss quickly and efficiently. With our commitment to providing ground-breaking backup and recovery solutions, we ensure our clients remain resilient and secure in a digital age. 


User-Friendly Backups and Recovery


Backing up your data used to be a tedious and time-consuming process, which is why many businesses didn’t bother to do it. However, our state-of-the-art storage and security solutions ensure that backing up your data can be done quickly and efficiently, without any impact on your core processes. 


As well as ensuring the backup process is quick and efficient, our advanced recovery solutions mean that you can get your business back up and running in no time, should disaster strike. Regardless of what’s caused a data loss, you can rely on our superfast recovery solutions to restore your data swiftly. 


With minimal effort, you can ensure your data is backed up and secure. Giving you peace of mind and reassurance that your business can continue to operate even if disaster were to strike, you’ll ensure that your company won’t suffer from reduced turnover or a loss of profits due to an unforeseen technological emergency. 


Secure Storage Solutions 


Of course, data which is backed up needs to be stored securely and match, or exceed, the storage solutions you use on a day-to-day basis. Whether you’re using object storage, block storage or an alternative, we’ll ensure that your backup and recovery facilities provide the right level of security and encryption. 


Whilst you may not be able to predict when or if a disaster will occur, it is possible to be prepared for it. With the right backup and recovery solutions in place, your business can flourish in spite of disaster and bounce back from any unforeseen threats in record time. 


Why Wavenet?

Staying connected is a primary goal for businesses whatever their size. Yet when systems fail and products outdate, staff can’t work to their full potential, threatening your success. Wavenet support businesses with any kind of network and connectivity issue. Identifying the problem at its source, we deliver a solution that works and acts quickly. And thanks to Wavenet’s continual support 24/7, systems will forever be maintained. No matter the industry, no matter the need, we can help make your business brilliant.


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