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Many of you have started on a company’s website and when in need of support been forced to call their Customer Support.
Covid-19 only accelerated what was happening already. According to one calculation, over 101,000Gb of data criss-crosses the internet every second, and that astonishing figure is only going to rise.
A price rise is coming! The cost of everything including commodities, energy, food, and the services we pay for are rising. This inflationary pressure isn’t just confined to the consumer it also affects services; system integrators and resellers must start setting customer expectations.
Many businesses are turning to internet-based telephony today, well in advance of the switch-off date. They want to be able to make calm and considered choices about the best all-IP solutions for their needs.
Organisations of all kinds were already busy implementing digital transformation policies before the COVID-19 pandemic, and they will be accelerating those processes now.
The past two years have undoubtedly been difficult for all. Individuals and businesses have all suffered, it has provided challenges for digital and technology strategies within businesses; last-minute lockdowns, a shift to hybrid or full remote working, along with at times - a lack of technology in place to accommodate for this accelerated modern shift.
In a survey of business leaders by BT Wholesale and Cisco, respondents ranked agility, flexibility and customer experience as critical to future business success.
With remote working on the rise, global business and the move to a more fluid and flexible working model business are seeking the right technology to keep their teams connected.
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