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The adoption of unified communication (UC) is accelerating as businesses recognize its value by bringing together VoIP telephony, instant messaging, video conferencing, mobility, presence, and collaboration capabilities into a seamless business environment.
Is your data truly safe? Ransomware is one topic that doesn't seem to be losing momentum anytime soon.
DDoS Attacks are Evolving. They can have devastating effects on businesses of all sizes and it has now become a matter of when not if your business will be targeted.
Helping you control how, where and when you deal with incoming calls. Wavenet offer a vast portfolio of virtual, non-geographic telephone numbers from within the UK and from countries around the world, which means your potential to conduct business is almost without boundaries.
Presenting like a Pro PowerPoint is the perfect tool for presenting ideas to a wide audience. Discover how to present a PowerPoint over Microsoft Teams.
No Business Remains Unaffected It's safe to say the pandemic has had a significant impact on all business, regardless of their sector, size or customer base. One of the biggest challenges has been the switch to long-term remote working.
Keeping an eye on the bottom line No matter where you are located, what size your business is or what industry you are in reducing the costs associated with running your business is probably one of the few universal goals of any business.
About Walsingham Trust Walsingham is known as "Englands Nazareth" the Trust is responsible for the guardianship and maintenance of The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham.
The pandemic has changed our views and experiences of so much it's almost difficult to remember what "normal" was. As the pandemic stretched from weeks into months and beyond, it's pertinent to question what the future looks like - certainly for the contact centre arena anyway.
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