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The days of 9 -5 work are long gone , business technology is no longer restricted to the office and with remote working on the rise there's no denying that mobiles have a huge role to play in today's modern working world.
Public sector organisations looking to improve their networking and embrace new technologies can now do so through a new Crown Commercial Service framework, to which Wavenet has been awarded a place on five lots.
While Pride Month may have passed, its impact and significance continues. As a company committed to fostering an inclusive environment, we believe in cherishing and uplifting the diverse voices of our LGBTQ+ team members. During Pride Month, Wavenet has amplified the experiences and narratives of our LGBTQ+ team members.
Penetration Testing Penetration testing (or pen testing) is a vital tool that businesses can use to ensure their data remains safe and secure against a wide variety of cyber threats. The process essentially consists of running a simulated attack on your current cyber defences and identifying where any weaknesses may be. Once these weak points have been identified it becomes much easier to develop a highly effective cybersecurity strategy.
Every business is at risk of a cyber-attack. In 2017, cyber attacks on organisations cost the UK economy £10 billion, with 7 out of 10 companies falling victim to a cyber-attack or breach[1]. When a CEO is confronted with a cyber-attack or data breach, they start to worry about their vulnerabilities in the technology they use and forget to look at the very people using those technologies everyday - their employees. According to the 2017 Data Breach Investigations Report, more than 90% of cyber-attacks were traced back to human error[2], suggesting that mistakes caused by humans both initiates and amplifies the risk of cyber-crime and the damage it poses to businesses. The best way for business directors, CEOs and managers to combat this threat is to create a risk-aware workplace culture, and that starts with cyber security awareness.
Wavenet continues to innovate and develop its Cybersecurity offerings by strengthening its penetration and security testing capabilities with the latest acquisition of Fidus Information Security Limited. Solihull, UK – February 2nd, 2023 - Wavenet today announces the acquisition of Fidus Information Security Limited, a Cambridge based advanced Penetration Testing consultancy. The acquisition further establishes Wavenet’s place as one of the UK’s leading cyber security, communications and technology solution providers. Fidus hold numerous recognised certifications, including National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) CHECK approval and Crest accredited and, have proven experience providing security services to some of the largest organisations in the UK.
Consulting with property owners and developing technology solutions for the flex work space sector, our Wavenet Connected teams are often asked about innovation around the Metaverse.
In contact centres, managers say they can quite often struggle with staff shortages, making it difficult to maintain service levels.
Nowadays, every blog article or editorial you read is hailing the virtues of collaborative working and the tech that supports this. Somewhere along the way, we lost sight of the most versatile piece of collaborative equipment we own. The humble mobile phone.
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