How Contact Centre Solutions Can Improve the Public Sector

13/12/19 Wavenet
Featured Image _  Contact Centre Public Sector

Operating a seamless contact centre is essential for many Public Sector Organisations. You can engage citizens by tracking, monitoring, managing and routing incoming calls which creates a better experience for citizens who contact you.



A streamlined call centre process will bring the best out of your call centre agents by synchronising the tracking, managing and routing of incoming calls and routing calls to the most appropriate agent. Quality assurance processes can also be achieved with call monitoring and recording services.



Customer experience icon for contact centreBetter Contact Experience for Citizens


Accurate data on citizens will improve their experience as you can deliver accurate and appropriate information. An intelligent contact centre makes data-processing streamlined and can be used to record and observe feedback this data can then be used to tailor responses and improve the overall experience of the call.



money icon for contact centreDecreased Costs


Implementing a call centre can reduce costs due to a reduction in the use of resources and peoples time that are required to manage services. Features like predictive dialling integrated with call centre software provide a great reduction in costs. This is due to the dialling feature automating and capturing call activity into the software which improves data management and tracks ideal times to contact people with queries. 



Omnichannel icon for contact centreMulti-channel Support


Seamless customer assistance is required in the 21st century as citizens will try and contact your organisation through whichever platform suits them best across multiple levels. The call centre software can efficiently connect you with citizens via email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, video, voice calls, and messaging apps. Multi-channel support can greatly reduce clients frustrations and enable you to improve customer service.



security icon for contact centreImproved Data Access


Better organisation and access to citizen data allows agents to interact with them better due to knowing their information such as service and purchase history, this provides customised and comprehensive responses.



certification icon for contact centrePrioritise and Identify Urgent Calls


You can reinforce customer loyalty and experience by prioritising calls. However, Citizens usually expect an immediate response to their query or technical issue, prioritise features can be beneficial by responding in relation to how urgent the call is. 



Security icon for contact centreData Security


You are always at risk of losing organisation and citizen data but security features of the call centre software keep citizen and organisation data safe within a cloud backup. Hiring professionals to maintain and review your system comes at a cost, but you don't need to do this with a cloud contact centre thanks to its cloud security. 



rocket icon for contact centreStreamline business operations


Whether you have a small contact centre with a few agents or a large, multisite centre in need of multimedia capabilities, Wavenet can provide you with a contact centre solution helping you streamline business operations and boost customer satisfaction.


Wavenet's inclusion on the RM3808 framework allows us to deliver these solutions with a commitment to improving services, productivity and efficiency whilst supporting you in your digital transformation.



Hosted & PBX Telephony, Unified Communications & Voice, Articles, Public Sector

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