Remote Work Checklist

23/03/20 Wavenet
Wavenet Wholesale Remote Work Checklist

Top Tips from Microsoft to help you and your customers work productively from home.



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remote work icons blue-05Set up your workspace

Find a space in your home where you can concentrate. If you're somewhere with background distractions, use background blur in Microsoft Teams to keep teammates focused.


remote work icons blue-02Communicate often

Your rhythm with online work from home might look different than it does in the office. For example, you may be balancing work and childcare at the same time. Communicate your schedule to your coworkers so that they know when to reach out to you.


remote work icons blue-06Maintain healthy boundaries

Without the normal workday signals, like a commute, it can be harder to unplug. Make sure to take breaks, stay hydrated, and give yourself opportunities to “clock out” from remote work at the end of the day.


remote work icons blue-01Be mindful and inclusive

A crowded conference call can make it difficult for people to share their opinions. Pause frequently to allow time for questions and remind attendees that they can use the chat window to share their thoughts.


remote work icons blue-04Embrace online meetings

Make sure all meetings include a virtual “join” option so that team members can join from wherever they are working. Turn video on so your team can interact face to face and feel more connected.


remote work icons blue-08Bring the team together

Working remotely can feel a bit isolating. It’s important to create opportunities for the whole team to virtually get together, whether it’s large brainstorms with the Microsoft Whiteboard app or daily check-ins over a virtual coffee.


remote work icons blue-07Make up for missing hallway talk

The quick chat at the water cooler is what many people miss the most when working remotely. Instead, be deliberate about and connecting with your coworkers. Think about chat messages as your virtual water cooler and set yourself a reminder to check in with people regularly.


remote work icons blue-03Record your meetings

When you start a meeting, hit “record.” Team members who aren’t able to join can watch later or search the automatically generated transcript for important information. That way, people can easily review anything they missed or need repeated.


remote work icons blue-09Have fun

Use Teams to encourage fun activities and challenges to maintain morale. Holding a photo contest or praising employees for creative ideas are great ways to help the team stay positive, engaged and energised.



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Why Wavenet Wholesale?


Wavenet have over 20 years experience in voice technologies working with businesses across the UK to deliver high-quality, reliable voice and phone systems. With TeamsLink we have partnered with Microsoft to create a platform that provides on-net, high quality traffic through diverse routes to give your customers the ultimate unified communications foundation.

We have an internal development team dedicated to advancing our technology and providing our customers with the best solution on the market. As well as our own developers we are partnered with vendors that can provide Microsoft Certified handsets that run Teams directly on-screen, giving your customers the choice of how they roll out Teams calling to their users.


Partner with Wavenet Wholesale and ensure you close every deal.

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