DDoS Attacks are on the Rise

15/02/22 Wavenet
DDoS Attacks are on the Rise placeholder thumbnail

Multi-vendor DDoS attacks are on the rise, and businesses must protect themselves from the devastating consequences.


DDoS attacks continue to grow at an alarming rate, with the size, scope and sophistication of them continuing to evolve. Some recent attacks have seen the largest on record with sizes exceeding 1 Tbs.

But whilst these figures are enormous, it's not just these large-scale attacks that can threaten your business. A smaller attack still has the ability to render your business off-line and what can be even more damaging is these small-scale attacks can go unnoticed for some time.


Average Attack Size

Whilst the average attack size is around 14.1 Gbps - seemingly minuscule in comparison to the show-stopping number shown above, but this small size can often make these attacks devastating. DDoS attacks of this size tend to target the application layer and often go unnoticed until the damage has already been done. These low and slow attacks work by targeting the application in a way that looks like actual requests until they become overwhelmed and can no longer respond.

Sometimes referred to as layer 7 attacks, application-layer attacks are usually part of a multi-vector attack. It is estimated 57% of all DDoS attacks are multilayer, targeting DNS, HTTP and HTTPS in a bid to render services offline.


On the Rise

According to reports, DDoS attacks have risen by 30% since December 2019. One reason for the uptake in attacks is the Mirai malware, specifically designed for multi-layer attacks.


Application layer DDoS are often shorter in duration than standard DDoS attacks due to the ability to take out a web server or application server faster. Their ability to take a business offline so efficiently and effectively can make tracing the instigators even harder and thus there is a rise in popularity with cybercriminals.


They can also be much harder for businesses to detect until the damage is already done. This is where effective DDoS attack protection is essential.


Protecting Your Business

The old adage of prevention is better than cure certainly rings true when it comes to protecting your business from DDoS attacks.


Businesses require a sufficient level of protection that is both proactive and reactive depending on their needs and it's imperative that this solution is capable of both protecting against the attack and mitigating against damage regardless of attack size, the origin of attack or attack target.


The right DDoS defence solution not only protects your application layer from attacks but also your network layer and other vectors, ultimately helping your organization avoid falling victim to a damaging DDoS attack.


Why Wavenet?

With Distributed Denial of Service (DDos) attacks becoming more frequent and easier to purchase, online security is facing more risk than ever.

Attempting to overwhelm businesses’ online services, DDos Attacks take them completely offline. Meaning no emails, no website, no phones, no contact.

Wavenet protects businesses from these crippling effects. Supplying a bespoke package that defends 24/7 with the world’s largest ingestion capacity.

This ‘buy and forget’ solution is suitable for businesses of every scale, and with no on-site equipment to maintain, you can remain protected without worrying about updates and upkeep. Making your business both brilliant and resilient.


DDoS Attack Protection, Security & Compliance

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