How Safe Is Your Data?

06/08/19 Wavenet
How Safe Is Your Data? placeholder thumbnail

Do you know how safe your data is? If you’re like many small businesses, the answer is “not very.” 


Data safety is becoming an increasingly important issue. The information a company owns is fast becoming the primary arbiter of its value. Companies that have vast tracts of data to win business tend to be much more valuable than their competitors. (Just look at the market cap of companies like Facebook and Google). 


Of course, as data become more valuable, and companies become more dependent on them, risks increase. Avoiding data loss is an IT priority. What’s more, you need to take active steps towards security and compliance in a world where hackers are trying to steal your data and governments want to fine you. 


How Do You Handle Your Existing Data? 


Do you have a good idea of how you currently handle your existing data? Managing your data well not only helps to keep it safe but also future-proofs your business. 


Many firms use on-prem backup and recovery as their data management technique of choice. Local data storage provides the security necessary to ensure continued business operations, even in the event of primary data loss. 


The problem with on-prem systems is that backup and recovery is a slow and complicated process. You have to diligently (and manually) take all of your data and put it onto disk. You then have to store these disks in an archive, carefully label them, and retrieve them in the event of an emergency. It’s a costly, time-consuming and labour-intensive process. 


Many future-thinking companies have already moved to the cloud. The cloud takes data off-premises and stores it across a variety of server farms around the world. The idea is that a company can restore versions of its data at any point it likes while making backup automatic. 


Can You Reduce Downtime With The Cloud And Hybrid Approaches? 


Downtime is a significant risk for your business. Even if you have adequate backups, it may take several hours for you to load them onto your system and recovery full operational capacity. In that time, you could lose thousands of dollars in lost sales. 


The cloud (and hybrid cloud) help you get around this. In the unlikely event of a data loss, you switch to a backup version of your data repository. What’s more, the time between backups is likely to be far less on a cloud-based system simply because of the ease with which you can make copies of your data. As discussed, it’s almost always automatic, and it happens regularly. 


If you are not comfortable with going full-cloud, you can use a hybrid approach. This involves keeping some of your data local while at the same time using cloud tools to back them up. Hybrid systems enable you to keep elements of your data storage on-site while at the same time giving your business the future-proof option of eventually migrating to the cloud entirely. At least with the cloud, backup and recovery are relatively instantaneous. 


How Can Wavenet Help?


Wavenet's portfolio includes some of the best of breed solutions providers for data management. 

Eradicating the risks viruses and disasters pose to businesses, satisfying user expectations for instant access to data and hardware with our range of backup and recovery solutions.

End downtime by restoring data easily and instantly from everywhere and anywhere. Whether your data is on-premise, hybrid or in the cloud, Wavenet’s pioneering solutions provide streamed, on-demand access to all your data in-spite of security incidents, human error and hardware failure.

At the click of a button, we get you up and running within seconds, not days.

Be brilliant with backup and recovery solutions from Wavenet.

Backup & Recovery, Security & Compliance, Redstor, Articles

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