The Importance of Call Management to Business Continuity

12/08/19 Wavenet
The Importance of Call Management to Business Continuity placeholder thumbnail

Only 68% of Medium Sized Businesses Have a Business Continuity Plan in Place.



Disaster can strike in a number of ways:

Terrorist attack
Cyber attack
Natural disaster


How Can You Help Your Business Recover?


Make disaster recovery quicker with a hosted call management solution. In a disaster, a hosted telephony system that’s managed in the cloud can be a real lifesaver. Diverts to alternative offices can be activated and call plans and voicemail announcements changed in real time, from any location, using a web interface; allowing you to keep in touch with your customers during a crisis.


The telephone is the lifeline of a lot of businesses, so it pays to have a plan in place for when there are disruptions. It’s not just the loss of productivity or sales, but many companies struggle to recover from the damage to their reputation after such incidents.


Put a Plan in Place.


A good Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) should include a detailed telephony-specific plan.


Here’s a few key things to think about when creating a voice DRP:

Risk assessment – review what could go wrong?
Impact assessment – how could this affect the business, staff, and customers?
Creation of a strategy – what should happen in the case of a disaster?
Documentation – document the plan in clear and detailed way and share it.
Testing – will it work? Only one way to find out.


Wavenet Can Help.


Inbound call management solutions provided by Wavenet can put you back in control in the event of a catastrophe. Customisable drag and drop call plans allow you to manage your calls in the best possible way for your business, reacting quickly whether you business is compromised by a natural disaster or a targeted cyber attack Wavenet's inbound solution will ensure your customers remain unaffected. 



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