Should you replace your PBX with Teams Calling?

04/12/19 Wavenet
Wavenet Wholesale Should you replace your pbx with teams calling

Microsoft Teams has quickly become the go-to application for everything ‘collaboration’.


The ability to centrally manage documents and files, through secured and encrypted cloud-storage, maximises the productivity of teams. While the ability to make calls through the app, just like a traditional handset, enables a new level of business integration and simplification of operations.

If your business is considering how to manage the ISDN switch off, already uses Microsoft Office 365 or spends a considerable amount of resources calling internationally, then switching to Microsoft Teams with Wavenet

may be the best decision you make this year.


Blog Icons 1 Pink-49Existing Office365 Users


According to Bitglass, usage of Office365 globally in late 2018 was around 56%. That means over half of all businesses worldwide use Microsoft’s subscription services in one way or another. If your business has already

invested in Office365, it makes a lot of sense to use those services to their potential and maximise the possible return on investment. What’s more, Teams includes all of Microsoft’s productivity suite within the Teams app

too, so staff don’t have to switch between applications!


Even if you’re part of the minority that doesn’t currently use Office, being able to use those services may open new doors and routes to new customers, by adopting the same systems and making communication easier with those that do use 365. Your finance team will also appreciate not having to set-up yet another payment to yet another company and instead have it stay within the 365 subscription, even if the price per-user increases slightly.


Blog Icons 1 Pink-03Legacy PBX Users


With the coming ‘ISDN Switch Off’ looming over CTOs across the country, businesses have the chance to remove two stumbling blocks with one simple solution. By adopting TeamsLink, you can replace your existing PBX

solution and simplify your operation at the same time and rest assured that when BT do start to switch off the legacy telephone network in 2025, it will be business as usual for your operation.


Users will require a combination of Microsoft’s Direct Routing and Calling Plans to enable Teams to dial out to landline numbers, however, there is a second option. Wavenet’s TeamsLink service bundles these services

together with additional support and unlimited minutes to ensure businesses are able to quickly integrate the system into their existing systems and remove the possibility of unexpected costs for over-use.


Your staff are already accustomed to Microsoft’s User Interface; therefore, they will intuitively take to the system with less training as they would need for a completely separate solution. With the additional feature of instant

messaging, including Gif, emoji and ‘like’ support, your team will be able to communicate quicker, easier and with more personality.


Blog Icons 1 Pink-10Cost-effective calling


International calling was once the Wild West of telephony, with providers charging a fortune for unreliable services. With the introduction of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) the cost of calling internationally drops

significantly, and with Microsoft’s incredible global infrastructure, the cost of worldwide contact is significantly reduced again. For example, UK calls to the US are only 0.6pence per minute or 3p for a 5-minute conversation.


As the service is completely data-driven too, prices fluctuate rarely and worldwide call costs are available at the click of a button. Therefore, if you know your average call times to countries you contact frequently, it becomes super-easy to budget for.


TeamsLink and Microsoft Phone System can help save money, make your staff more productive and you won’t need to retrain the entire workforce in an alien piece of software either. With Microsoft’s UI spread across all of its

applications, your staff are sure to understand it quickly, given their familiarity with the rest of Microsoft’s suite.


Businesses worried about the ISDN ‘Switch Off’ can rest easy knowing that Teams can facilitate a complete telephony system from within the application itself and those who lose sleep over high international call rates

can also take a sigh of relief. Teams is quickly becoming the go-to application, not only for collaboration but for call centres and businesses in general.


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Wavenet Wholesale are leading the way in Telecoms aggregation. Simplifying the ability to procure multiple services from multiple suppliers via our real-time portal.


We are constantly forging new and relevant relationships with key vendors, network providers and solution architects to ensure our Partners have the latest technology at their fingertips.


Partner with Wavenet Wholesale and ensure you close every deal.


Microsoft Teams, TeamsLink, Full-Fibre Future

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