A critical element to the longevity and survival of any business is that they adopt an all-encompassing cyber security and disaster recovery strategy. Advancements in technology mean that the world is becoming more digitised and, as this trend grows, cyber-crime grows alongside it. From customer service to communication and accounting, there is a heavy reliance on technology for many enterprise operations. From hosted desktops to cloud backup and virtualisation, software and computing has become integral for every business. But as companies have become savvier, so have the cyber-criminals looking for vulnerabilities – there have been instances where sophisticated hackers have been able to orchestrate attacks without disrupting a business’s day-to-day operations.
A worrying number of UK businesses still are not aware of the benefits of the Government-backed Cyber Essentials scheme. This is problematic as according to the 2022 Cyber Security Breaches Survey, 39% of UK businesses identified a cyber security breach or attack with the average cost of a data breach being between £4,200 and £19,400. This is particularly concerning since 56% of businesses hold personal data on customers in the cloud. However, there are methods that can be implemented to reduce the risk of data breaches. One such way is through being Cyber Essentials accredited.
Penetration Testing Penetration testing (or pen testing) is a vital tool that businesses can use to ensure their data remains safe and secure against a wide variety of cyber threats. The process essentially consists of running a simulated attack on your current cyber defences and identifying where any weaknesses may be. Once these weak points have been identified it becomes much easier to develop a highly effective cybersecurity strategy.
In Comms Dealer November 21 issue, industry leaders discuss turning cyber threats into opportunities.
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