No Business Remains Unaffected It's safe to say the pandemic has had a significant impact on all business, regardless of their sector, size or customer base. One of the biggest challenges has been the switch to long-term remote working.
The pandemic has changed our views and experiences of so much it's almost difficult to remember what "normal" was. As the pandemic stretched from weeks into months and beyond, it's pertinent to question what the future looks like - certainly for the contact centre arena anyway.
Ready to make the move to a Cloud Contact Centre? Discover how shifting from an on-premise contact center can transform operations, contain costs, and improve customer and agent satisfaction.
Are you interested in how artificial intelligence (AI) might impact your contact center? The hype cycle for AI is nearing its peak. But before you rush to deploy an AI tool, let’s separate fact from fiction. What are the practical benefits of AI today? What kind of challenges arise from automation? What are the underlying technologies at play?
Connecting your Business to your Customers Discover how Hosted Telephony reduces CAPEX, improved BC/DR and provides you with an agile and scalable solution.
Empower your Agents Discover how to empower your agents to provide the ultimate in customer experience with our free to download e-book.
Over the last few months, our traditional ideas of certain experiences have changed. Netflix now outranks the cinema, takeaways are the new going out and with new levels of uncertainty and strict new guidelines, many consumers are taking their shopping habits online.
Think about what it takes to keep your customers happy and your service agents productive. Now think about how you'll achieve this away from the office.
A business continuity plan is not just about considering your business and it's employees, but it's customers too and this is even more important in the Contact Centre industry.
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