When you think of the world of cyber and information security, what do you see? Is it a someone in a dark room, wearing a black hooded top, hunched over a computer with Matrix-style green code on the screen? Or, is it an office cleaner, wheeling a trolley full of sprays and cloths around desks as they scout a business – or someone who appears to be a health and safety inspector sneaking onto workers' computers to gather sensitive information? If you'd pictured the first scene, you're not alone. That's how the world at large tends to view cyber crime – and of course, much cyber crime is conducted by people sitting in front of computers. But if you'd pictured the second, then you'd be looking beyond that to the real lengths such criminals go to when trying to hack into organisations. And you’d also be picturing one of the unexpected and unique ways we at Wavenet can help your own company protect itself from devastating and costly attacks on its data. It's all part of our penetration testing service, and our Ethical Hacker and Principal Consultant, Rob Shapland explains more in this blog.
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