Are Your Storage Solutions Secure?

26/10/20 Wavenet
Are Your Storage Solutions Secure? placeholder thumbnail


There is no denying that security plays a huge role when it comes to data storage in today's world.


However, it is becoming more difficult to manage. This is because we are handling more data than ever before, which makes it difficult to organise it effectively. At the same time, we need to make sure that this ever-growing amount of data is protected because the threat of a cyber-attack is also increasing year on year.


Don't Undervalue Data Storage


The importance of considering security when it comes to data storage really cannot be undervalued. After all, data is imperative for businesses in terms of progression and measuring performance. However, while it needs to be organised in a manner that is logical and enhances collaboration, it also needs to be secure too. You only need to take a look on the Internet to see that data breaches seem to be occurring on a daily basis. And, these are only the ones that get reported! Could your business really afford to deal with the consequences if your data was breached?


Not only would you have to face the fraud losses themselves but you would likely face fines from banks for failing to be compliant with PCI DSS. Plus, you would need to spend money getting to the bottom of the problem and fixing the vulnerability in question. Furthermore, there is the reputation damage to deal with as well. Once you break your consumer’s trust, this can be very difficult to come back from. How are you going to get your customers to remain, customers, if you have leaked their personal data? This is not only incredibly challenging, but again, it can cost a lot of money too. 



Keeping Data Safe


One of the best ways you can keep your business data safe is by backing it up and using a reliable storage solution.


It is estimated over 50% of UK businesses are at risk by not securing their data, with this statistic in mind Backup and Recovery is now an essential part of any businesses disaster management plan. The primary purpose of backup is to create a copy of data that is stored securely.


If your business should be hit by an external threat, whether a virus, human intervention or even an accidental deletion, being able to retrieve your data securely ensures business continuity.


Cloud, Hybrid and On-Premise storage solutions are all viable means of keeping data safe. With advanced firewalls, encryption and event logging, many systems will alert users to a potential breach before this happens. Physical security of data centres is also high and why many business chose for their data to be stored off-premise. It's not unusual for data centres to have physical security measures in place such as fingerprint recognition, 24 hour monitoring and security guards.


A reliable and scalable storage solution is also something that must be considered in order to future-proof a business.


Why Wavenet?


Wavenet work with Multiple storage and data backup partners to give you choice from the world's leading providers all with just one bill and one point of contact. Working with your requirements we can provide storage solutions from traditional disk-based storage systems and flash-enabled arrays alongside cutting-edge cloud storage solutions.


Our Quality of Service ensures your storage is always optimised to streamline back-up time and future-proof your business. Best in breed Backup and Recovery solutions providers make up our portfolio, always underpinned by Wavenet's dedicated UK-based support team.



Technology Services, Rubrik, Storage Solutions, Articles, Pure Storage, Cloudian

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