The Benefits of FTTP

11/03/21 Wavenet
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For businesses and partners looking to prepare for the full fibre future of digital Britain you should be asking yourself 'how do I get FTTP?'. But in case you're still wondering what the benefits of FTTP are, we've listed a few here for you. 

Flexible and scalable

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The multiple options available with FTTP means you can quickly and easily scale your bandwidth to meet the needs of your businesses.

This flexible scalability makes FTTP the perfect solution for growing businesses and those that see seasonal spikes in traffic. 


Flexible and scalable

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The multiple options available with FTTP means you can quickly and easily scale your bandwidth to meet the needs of your businesses.

This flexible scalability makes FTTP the perfect solution for growing businesses and those that see seasonal spikes in traffic. 


Fast installation

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We aim to get you up and running within just 10 days. Meaning you can take advantage of faster, more reliable connectivity with minimal disruption quicker than ever before.



Connectivity first

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Legacy broadband always required a landline connection as it is built on top of the phone line. This can become costly, particularly if you're not using the phone and the connections require regular upkeep due to the copper technology used, meaning an increase in potentially costly downtime for broadband users.

Switching to full-fibre broadband means you no longer rely on WLR to keep you connected. Voice becomes an over the top solution that you only pay for if you are using it, providing a more scalable and agile solution for businesses.


Future Proof technology

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With PSTN set to be switched off in 2027 and the withdrawal of ISDN, which supports traditional broadband services run over copper lines this will have a great effect on all businesses in the UK that currently use traditional broadband or telephony.

Switching to FTTP now gives your business access to the connectivity of the future that is designed to meet our ever-growing bandwidth needs. No signal loss, no degradation and no loss of performance offers your unrivalled connectivity to your customers.


Be an early adopter

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We have worked alongside Openreach throughout the PSTN Withdrawal Programme so are best placed to support you as an early adopter.



How does FTTP compare to FTTC?


Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) delivers Fibre from the cabinet to the nearest Ethernet exchange. It offers speeds of up to 80MB downstream.

Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) delivers Fibre directly to the premises from the nearest Ethernet node with speeds of up to 1GB downstream.

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