The Big Switch to FTTP: What You Need to Know

27/04/21 Wavenet
The Big Switch to FTTP: What You Need to Know placeholder thumbnail

Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) is the latest broadband advancement that can support incredibly fast internet speeds. With FTTP. 

The fibre broadband connection from the local exchange goes directly to the router in your home or business, rather than reaching the exchange and switching to copper cabling before getting to your modem, which is known as Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC).

In 2020, the UK ranked 47th out of 50 for countries across the world with the fastest broadband speeds. With those sluggish figures in mind, is it any wonder that Openreach is flicking the switch on all copper-based networks in 2025? Below are the top benefits of FTTP, and some tips on how to prepare for the big switch.


Why invest in FTTP?

Copper-based networks – i.e. FTTC – are edging ever closer to the planned Big Switch Off in 2025, meaning FTTP will soon become a necessity, rather than a luxury, for your business or home. But what makes it so special?

Offering internet speeds of 1 Gbps (gigabits per second) or more, FTTP is lightning quick compared to FTTC and its average speeds of 50 – 80 Mbps (megabits per second). The main draws of fast broadband need little explanation, but you can expect to see quicker downloads, easier access to the cloud, and stronger connections on video calls.

That speed could prove particularly useful for your business and its remote employees, especially given that 74% of workers say that video calls have been their most common method of communication over the past year.

In light of the looming Switch Off, switching to FTTP can help prepare and future-proof your business for the post-COVID world. With FTTP, you won’t need to upgrade your broadband connection ever again – it’s that good. Best of all, it’s relatively cheap to run despite its high speeds.


How to prepare for FTTP

There are a few actions your business can take in order to prepare for the Big Switch Off in 2025. By that time, every connection to the PSTN (public switched telephone network) will have been switched off, which means you’ll lose connectivity if you haven’t already transitioned to FTTP.

First off, you’ll need to search online to find out whether FTTP is available in your area yet. We recommend the Openreach search tool.

Secondly, you’ll need to choose an FTTP supplier –  they’re currently BT, Virgin Media, Hyperoptic, and UFO, which is an FTTP project run by Sky and TalkTalk. Wavenet has worked alongside Openreach throughout the PSTN withdrawal Programme so are best placed to support our channel and their customers as one of the early adopters of FTTP. 

Thirdly, you’ll need to ensure your business has an ONT (Optimal Network Terminal) box, also known as an Openreach modem. Without this type of modem, you can’t access FTTP and its high-paced benefits. To find out, you can simply ask your current broadband provider if your office or home has one. If it doesn’t, you’ll need to request one and have an engineer install it for you.

It’s worth noting that if your business is already using FTTC, then you don’t need to worry about purchasing or installing an ONT box because you’re using one already.



FTTP is the future of broadband, and therefore will help future-proof your business. Not only will it increase your internet speeds, but it’ll help you save on costs by ensuring you never need to upgrade your broadband again. It’s available at relatively low costs compared to FTTC, so it’s wise to make the transition sooner rather than later if you want to avoid any pricing spikes.


FTTP, Full-Fibre Future

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