How Agent Experience Drives Customer Service

16/08/19 Wavenet
How Agent Experience Drives Customer Service placeholder thumbnail

As a business, your staff are your most valuable asset, so providing a safe, happy and motivating workplace is vital.


When your staff feel appreciated and well catered for, they will be infinitely more productive and work with greater levels of efficiency.


Whilst all members of staff should be incentivised and valued, it’s particularly important that employees in a customer-facing role have a rewarding working environment. Contact centre agents are often the first person a customer or potential client will engage with, so their demeanour and service will set the tone for the client’s experience with your brand.


Improving Agent Experience


Working in a contact centre environment can be challenging. With a consistent flurry of incoming queries to deal with, high targets to meet and a busy workplace, agents are under a considerable amount of pressure to perform well.


However, this doesn’t mean that working in a contact centre can’t be satisfying and fulfilling. Indeed, a job role must incorporate some challenges if employees are to feel worthwhile and vital to the success of the company. 

By improving your agents’ experience, you can ensure that they’re able to deliver the best customer service and deliver a positive customer experience, or CX.


Creating An Enriching Environment


There are plenty of ways to create a more enriching environment, such as:


  • Remembering to thank agents for their hard work
  • Rewarding employees when they hit targets
  • Giving staff the tools they need to carry out their roles
  • Setting realistic and achievable goals
  • Ensuring staff have a good work/life balance
  • Hosting staff events and activities

When you treat your staff well, their performance will improve and, in turn, the end-user experience will be enhanced. 


Switching To A Cloud Contact Centre


Incorporating a cloud contact centre into your workplace is just one way to improve both an agents’ experience and the customer experience. Unified communications ensure that customers can contact your company via their preferred method, whilst artificial intelligence can be used to help predict a customer’s needs and deliver an effective response to their query. By using artificial intelligence and advanced technology in this way, your company can deliver efficient and effective customer service, which immediately improves CX.


Furthermore, when agents are working in a cloud contact centre, they have the tools they need to perform well at their fingertips. Dedicated contact platforms and suites ensure a great UX, which minimises delays for both agents and customers. 


Built In Analytics


In addition to this, in-built analytics tools ensure it’s easy to monitor activity in a cloud contact centre. With interactive dashboards and variable user permissions, senior management can monitor incoming contacts and agent responses. This makes it easy to assess performance and reward staff members when it’s appropriate to do so.


Delivering a high level of customer service may be your company’s USP, and a cloud contact centre can help you to achieve this. By enhancing the experience of in-house agents, you can rely on a cloud contact centre to deliver an improved customer experience too.


About Wavenet


Wavenet is a leading business to business communications provider with the mission of being the most trusted supplier of voice, data and cloud solutions in the UK.


With over 8,000 customers across all industries, Wavenet offers SMEs and enterprises future-proof technology that drives positive change and delivers a competitive edge. Drawing on a 30-year pedigree of providing reliable, flexible and innovative services, the company offers an extensive portfolio including Networking & Connectivity, Unified Comms & Voice, Security & Compliance and Technology Services.


Wavenet has long-standing certified partnerships with Cisco (including BroadSoft), Mitel, Microsoft, Silver Peak and BT Wholesale.

Cloud Contact Centre, Five9, Unified Communications & Voice, Articles

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