An Introduction to VoIP

16/01/15 Wavenet
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What is VoIP?


VoIP stands for ‘Voice-over-IP’ and is a new(ish) business telephone service that uses internet based lines, as opposed to the conventional digital telephone lines, such as ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) lines. Because VoIP uses the internet, a good internet connection is required for a good real-time voice connection  with minimal latency.



More and more companies nowadays are changing over from digital to VoIP telephone lines, and it has been made easier by new faster, cheaper internet connections, and your telephones can be changed to VoIP instantly, taking less than 24 hours to activate your new lines.

Why Switch to VoIP?

The main reason people switch to VoIP is because of the potential savings they can make on their phone bills. The majority of people can save between 50% and 70% on-line rental charges. Although it can cost quite a lot of money to set up initially (especially if a new server is needed), the overall savings can be up to £18,000 in just a few years, depending on how many lines you use in your business.

With VoIP, you can use any telephone number from around the world, to add the ‘local’ factor, to make your business more appealing. You can be ringing from your office in the UK, and use a Chinese number, for when you ring companies in China.

When you switch to VoIP, your internet speed will actually increase by converging voice and data information together.

Renting a Server

A server is needed for telephone systems in a business that uses a lot of lines. The server routs all your calls in the business. These servers can be very expensive, and some smaller companies might not be able to afford this.

Therefore, there are servers in the internet that you can rent. Because the VoIP systems use the internet, your server doesn’t have to be the same building as your telephones, and server renting is made possible.

More and more people are still Switching to VoIP, with the amount of businesses using it set to reach 1 billion by the year 2017.

Why Wavenet?

In the world of communications there is no one size fits all approach. We adapt services based on need and support our customers to evolve for the future.

We understand business, so Wavenet has an established voice services portfolio to ensure we deliver the right solution, managed properly. As we are partnered with all major networks, we offer cost effective, customer focused, and locally supported service.

Make your business brilliant, today and tomorrow, with unified communications and voice from Wavenet.

Unified Communications & Voice, Articles, VoIP

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