Case Study: Integral

28/08/18 Wavenet
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About Integral

Integral is one of the UK’s leading property maintenance companies, providing services for more than 1,600 clients in more than 60,000 locations. The company’s previous technical supplier often lacked the resources that the company needed to expand its telephony operations and deliver great service to customers on a mass scale across multiple locations.


The company, therefore, approached Wavenet to find out whether we could offer better technical solutions for the unique situation in which it found itself. The company soon discovered Wavenet could provide them with all the assistance they needed, right from the high-level stuff, like project planning, all the way down to the technical nuts and bolts at the operational level. 

The Challenge

As a mechanical, electrical and fabric property maintenance company, Integral needed robust telephony systems that would enable it to efficiently organise its operations. It had been relying on third party providers to give it the technical assistance that it required, but they did not have the expertise that Integral felt it needed to make headway on various strategic IT and communications priorities. The company wanted a holistic top-to-bottom approach that would enable it to create broad strategies and get support at the grass-roots level. Until Wavenet arrived, it struggled to find one.

The Solution

Wavenet transformed Integral’s technical support experience, providing them with a solution that met their business strategic needs.


Wavenet helped Integral improve its telephony systems. We implemented a full wide-area-network through a virtualised and consolidated data-centre-based infrastructure that now provides the company with a resilient phone communication to all 2,300 users. This approach helped Integral make substantial improvements to the quality of its phone service. It can now route calls to employees, whether they are in the firm’s Manchester headquarters or out on site visits.


Integral received full 24-hour technical support from Wavenet as soon as they began using our services. In the past, they had struggled to find this level of support, despite choosing suppliers who ostensibly claimed to provide it.


The firm now has a customer service centre and contact recording abilities across its entire estate. For Integral, this is a vital capability. It means that it can now set up a new office very quickly, provided that it has internet connectivity, and connect colleagues via telephone to the rest of the company and its customer base. It no longer has to waste time setting up independent landline capabilities or integrating new telephony systems with its existing IT network.


Previous support companies promised Integral that they could provide holistic support services to help the firm achieve its goals, but many oversold themselves. When Integral discovered about the superior technical support and customer service offered by Wavenet, the company immediately made the switch and has since benefited enormously.


Head of IT at Integral, Tim Thompson found that Wavenet cites the range of value-added services that Wavenet provides on top of those offered by most support companies as the factors that convincing him that using us was the best choice for improving telephony infrastructure at his firm.  

The Results

Integral has seen significant benefits from the hosted unified communication solution, provided by Wavenet:


  • Simpler management: Integral’s virtualised telephone platform makes it much easier for the company to manage its phone services, allowing it to react to changes in business conditions. 
  • Stronger business continuity: The use of servers and WANs ensures that the telephones remain operational, even if one part of the network goes down. 
  • Better client service: Intuitive software installed by Integral makes it easy for company agents to see who they’re speaking with and their needs with integrated CRM functionality. 
  • More agility: Integral’s head of IT, Tim Thompson now feels more confident about expanding operations at Integral or changing location, owing to the way Wavenet has helped install new phone lines. 
  • Ease of use: Configuring virtualised telephony services shouldn’t be difficult. With help from Wavenet, Integral can now make administrative settings changes to the operation of its telephone systems on the fly, without having to consult third-party specialists. 

“Wavenet has definitely made our business more productive, more efficient, and more scalable. We’re continuing to work with Wavenet because they give additional “value add” compared to what you get from most normal support companies and suppliers. Our account manager was able to pull in all the right people and work and work very closely with us to understand our business.”



Hosted & PBX Telephony, Case Studies, Unified Communications & Voice, Financial & Professional

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