Case Study: Reuse Network

01/04/21 Wavenet
Case Study: Reuse Network placeholder thumbnail

About Reuse Network


Reuse matters. The message of reuse for social and environmental benefit is being heard.

Reuse Network speak loudly and clearly on behalf of their members so that they can be a driving force in their sector, influencing policy-makers, ensuring the growth of the social economy reuse sector and offering a better way of life for households in need. They provide a seamless connection between charities, corporate partners and social enterprises around the UK, working together to promote the reuse sector and its value in tackling material poverty, isolation and inequality.

Committed to building meaningful connections between our commercial partners, member organisations and members of the public to divert millions of usable household items from landfill and into low-income households, tackling poverty, saving hundreds of thousands of tonnes of CO2, and supporting a vast, growing network of people through volunteering, employment and training opportunities.

In addition to this, Reuse Network is working with a large and growing number of corporate partners to help them develop strong shared social responsibility and circular economy strategies that result in lower waste disposal bills, lighter carbon footprints and tangible contributions to society by simply extending the life of their products.


The Challenge

The pandemic represented a huge challenge to Reuse Network and its staff. Firstly they needed to facilitate a remote working solution and quickly, and secondly, and most importantly they needed to keep working throughout the pandemic.

Reuse Networks current system was run over ISDN originally with no call forwarding or simultaneous ringing options and with no flexibility in the solution to enable home working. As a temporary fix, all calls were being manually forwarded to the Head of Operations personal mobile phone - a way of working that was not a viable long term solution.


The Solution

Wavenet discussed the frustrations around Reuse Networks current system and their immediate needs highlighted by the pandemic and their need for remote working. Wavenet Hosted Voice was chosen as the perfect solution.

With a cloud-based system, Reuse Network would be able to work remotely with the same ease as when they were in the office. They would also be able to easily route calls and manage their internal and external communications effectively.



The Results

Through our work together Reuse Network have been able to take advantage of the following results;


Savings: Both in cost and time have been experienced by Reuse Network since the new solution has been implemented. With a dedicated account manager and one point of contact, making changes or getting support is quick and easy. 


Remote working capabilities: Remote working is now a viable option for all at Reuse Network, providing them with the necessary business continuity throughout the pandemic and beyond.


Reliability: With unrivalled SLA's and dedicated account managers Reuse Network have complete peace of mind.


Usability: With no complicated tech or onsite engineer visits, Reuse Network have a simple to use and easily scalable solution that they can adapt to the needs of their business.


"Our account manager is very responsive, always on hand to answer any queries we may have  and has made this an easy transition to a new system which supports our business and the new direction COVID-19 has forced us to take." -  Lesley Prescott, Head of Operations, Reuse Network

Case Studies, Unified Communications & Voice, Articles, Wavenet Hosted Voice

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