Case Study: SER

29/05/19 Wavenet
Case Study: SER placeholder thumbnail

About SER


Formed in 2004, SER specialise in specific industry recruitment, with extensive focus on the customer/client. They don’t simply try to fill positions for businesses, instead going to length to ensure they attract the right candidates for the future success of businesses and in their history have conducted over 15,000 interviews.

The business has grown organically over time and now employ over 30 people, specialising in their respective fields. This commitment to ensures they find the right person for the right role, no matter the experience or industry.


Having experienced particularly high levels of growth from 2015/16, they quickly realised their incumbent provider and their current telephone system weren’t able to meet the needs of their growing business. Instead they sought a a more reliable system, with ongoing support and detailed management information to report back on both outbound and inbound calls, both vital elements of their business.

The Challenge

The main problem facing SER was that the system was unreliable, often causing them issues and was also unmanageable from a business reporting perspective.


SER were regularly experiencing their system dropping, which is a hindrance to any business but for one that relies on phone calls as the lifeblood of the business it was critical. Often SER would find calls dropped midway through, just before pre scheduled calls were due to take place meaning they were late for client and customer meetings or at it’s worst, outages occurring which brought the business to a grinding halt for large periods of time.


Coupled with these issues was the fact they were unable to generate reports around staff performance meaning they were unable to develop the business, were potentially missing business and were unable to track ROI on their marketing efforts. They found that it quickly became an almost full-time role for staff to collect data which was highly inefficient when these detailed reports should have been generated automatically.

The Solution

After some initial requirements gathering it became clear that Mitel MiVoice office would meet all of SER’s needs around reporting and consistency, whilst boosting the efficiency of the business through a more user-friendly interface. With internet connectivity being a key contributor to their issues, Wavenet provided a SIP fibre broadband solution to underpin the new phone system which also allowed SER to segment their bandwidth. This enhanced control and visibility meant they were able to manage their inbound and outbound calls improving quality across the business.


The Mitel system also gave them access to automated reports which were accessible to manager online which allowed them to truly understand their business and keep them competitive in what is a very fast paced environment.


SER found that the new system began to show strong ROI very early into the implementation, particularly in the money saved from calls made over SIP and with much-improved account management, they felt they were in far safer hands than their previous supplier.

Why Wavenet?

Given that phone calls play such a vital role in the business, finding a new provider was a job that wasn’t taken lightly.


“We worked out what we needed and began whittling supplier down to one that suited us best.”


– Gary Bentley, Managing Director


This was a lengthy process, but one that the business understood was necessary to avoid being in the same position the same time next year. They needed to find a partner that understood their needs, that could provide a system that scaled with their business and one that could support them with expert advice to remove the headaches from before.


“We found Wavenet to be most engaging in what we wanted and they helped us to understand what we really needed.”

– Gary Bentley, Managing Director


Wavenet were on hand for live demonstrations and provided in depth materials to support the products, creating a unique solution proposal for SER to meet their needs and it was this approach that ultimately won the business.

Networking & Connectivity, Fibre Ethernet, Hosted & PBX Telephony, SIP, Lines & Calls, Mitel, Case Studies, Government & Healthcare

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