Case Study: TecServ

08/09/21 Wavenet
Case Study: TecServ placeholder thumbnail

About TecServ


Tecserv UK Ltd provides fire protection, intruder alarms, access control solutions and CCTV surveillance equipment for commercial, industrial and prestige buildings located across the UK.


TecServ is a quality assured company and has a network of experienced and fully trained field engineers who you can trust to ensure your systems are maintained and supported on a nationwide basis, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Their mission is to protect your people, your processes and your property. Tecserv UK brings you the specialisation, ideas and solutions that save lives and money.


The Challenge


With a large team and a diverse portfolio of security solutions, much of TecServ's work is conducted in the field meaning a reliable mobile connection is critical to their business.

Struggling with mobile phone reception, particularly within their head office building and with their current supplier unable to rectify this problem TecServ sort to seek a new solution that supported their business needs.

Alongside the need for quality business mobiles was also a requirement for a viable remote working solution, something which became apparent as the pandemic took hold. With TecServ's customers relying on them to keep their businesses and personal properties safe the businesses needed a system that would allow all its employees to work from home.


The Solution


After explaining their requirements to Wavenet, a solution focussing on business mobiles and a Hosted Voice System was identified as the right fit for TecServ and their business needs.

The Hosted Voice solution provided the ability for TecServ's workforce to be more mobile and adaptable. With Softphone integration the system allowed all staff to work remotely, wherever and whenever needed.

One of the biggest benefits to TecServ is that hosted telephony offers the ultimate disaster protection if a site goes down, the phone system is unaffected and it's business-as-usual for customers and staff alike. Alongside a new mobile solution that offers TecServ unrivalled connectivity their employees and smartphone users are able to work remotely as effectively as when they are in the office.

As a progressive business, TecServ has found the advantage of having a flexible and reliable remote working solution of huge benefit to them. Throughout the pandemic and the changing levels of national restrictions, they have been able to quickly react to the changing business needs without impacting on their customers or service levels. This also gives their employees the flexibility to work from home in the future, should the need arise.


The Results


Through our work together, TecServ has been able to take advantage of the following results:


Time-Saving - With a dedicated account manager and one point of contact, making changes or getting support is quick and easy.  


Cost Saving - A modernised telephony solution provides cost savings, further enhanced by the use of hosted voice and no complex costly onsite equipment.


Usability - A simplified system with advanced capabilities presents a much more user-friendly solution.


Reliability - Unrivalled SLA's and robust connectivity. 


Remote Working Capabilities: Cloud solutions allow TecServ to work from anywhere, anytime as easily as when they are in the office.


"We found Wavenet to be very professional and extremely helpful and conscientious throughout the whole process providing a system fit for our business requirements."


Case Studies, Unified Communications & Voice, Business Mobiles, Articles, Wavenet Hosted Voice

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