Collaboration Tools and the Contact Centre Industry?

08/09/20 Wavenet
Collaboration Tools and the Contact Centre Industry? placeholder thumbnail


A business continuity plan is not just about considering your business and it's employees, but it's customers too and this is even more important in the Contact Centre industry.


Ensuring that no matter what, customers are always provided with the best service possible is of paramount importance in the Call Centre industry. Many businesses will now have an invoked a BC/DR plan that includes remote working. Whilst for some businesses this will have been as simple as picking up their laptops, it's certainly a little more complex for the Contact Centres who have traditionally relied upon the office and its technology.


Disaster recovery (DR) may present short-term challenges to your business. While the challenges are similar in both your internal workforce and your customer-facing contact centre, the solutions and technology needs will be subtlety different.


Key Challenges Facing The Contact Centre


  • Technology, compliance and processes challenges may be present if staff cannot work from their usual workplace.

  • Agents with illness may be unable to work

  • Can your contact centre manage contact volumes with a reduction in agents?


The Solution


A contact centre Disaster Recovery solution needs to tick the following boxes:


  • Can support remaining agents by providing virtual agents, smart call queuing and skills-based routing

  • Browser-based to allow your agents to work remotely when necessary

  • Cost-effective and scalable


Solutions that allow your team to communicate, meet and collaborate remotely also need to be considered as part of your BC/DR strategy. Collaboration platforms such as Microsoft Teams are ideal for this.  


In fact collaboration solutions should for a key part of your BC/DR arsenal. Keeping large teams connected and communicating is essential to ensure customer service levels do not drop and that customers experience isn't compromised. 


With platforms such as TeamsLink there is the ability to use Teams as a contact centre keeping all your communications, both internal and external in one place.


TeamsLink Pro provides a seamless Microsoft Teams Contact Centre experience using your existing Microsoft Teams client to make and receive external calls, saving on telephony costs and significantly improving agent efficiency and visibility.



Why Wavenet?

Your business is unique. You face unique problems which require unique fixes.

As an integral part of an organisation you need Contact Centre solutions that combine disciplines, streamline services and enable your business to be brilliant.

Wavenet simplifies call centre operations using technologies that seamlessly integrate with existing IT infrastructure, deploying them reliably across multiple locations. From entry level applications, to multi-agent, multi-media cloud-based solutions, we can help.

Whether you have a small contact centre with a few agents or a large, multisite centre in need of multimedia capabilities, Wavenet can provide you with a contact centre solution helping you help streamline business operations and boost customer satisfaction.

Contact Centre, Five9, Microsoft, Microsoft Teams

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