Future-proof your Contact Centre

02/03/20 Wavenet
Future-proof your Contact Centre placeholder thumbnail

Contact centres are an integral part of any modern business offering, especially for companies that aren’t restricted to their local audience.


Therefore, every business owner and IT specialist should know what to expect from evolving contact centres.

This information can help guide the business to smarter upgrades in a bid to stay ahead of the curve.


contact optionsOmni-channel interactions


A clear generational shift has seen customers now conduct their interactions with business across multiple channels. Their first interaction may take place from finding social media pages when browsing their smartphone Apps while they may then switch to their iPad, laptop, or games consoles browsers at a later date. Clients expect a level of consistency that is almost impossible to provide if you don’t track those interactions and habits. Omni-channel interactions in which the contact centre can support users throughout every interaction, ensuring a far better UX.


Contact Centre agentWebchat replacing voice chat


People communicate in different ways than ever before, especially in business. The under 55 demographic prefers mobile Applications to talking with a human due to the added convenience, cheaper costs, and ability to avoid conversations. It also provides clients with an opportunity to save all communications so that there can be no disagreements further down the line. Webchat, mobile Apps, and social media are all on the rise while telephone calls are experiencing a decline. As such, modern contact centres will shift away from call booths and look to incorporate digital connections.


AI Icon UCAI on the rise


Artificial Intelligence is an incredibly powerful tool that can use the data captured from customer interactions to predict their next steps while also providing navigation and a host of other UX elements. The fact that AI incorporates machine learning and can support employees even when picking up a colleague’s interactions will pay dividends. Crucially, the implementation of AI allows for quicker responses and fewer client frustrations. It’s already being used and will continue to grow over the coming months and years. The contact centre of the future will certainly rely on AI.


Global Icon UCContact centres not limited to one location


Contact centre changes largely reflect evolutions to the world of business in general. Globalisation means that companies can benefit from ensuring that human agents can put the client at ease. Likewise, employment opportunities and cloud computing allow for creating worldwide teams on a low budget. When supported by the fact that AI and machine learning can identify the client’s background and issues before connecting them to the most suitable agent, it’s clear that contact centres are slowly moving away from the traditional single HQ to multiple venues.


Layer 1Contact centres will contact clients


The Internet of Things (IoT) may sound overly complicated but it ultimately describes the way that devices can interact with each other. For example, your smartphone can connect to various items around the home. As far as contact centres are concerned, the ability to have information transmitted back to the company opens the door to new opportunities. If the contact centre can tell that a product is faulty, they can call the user to help them through their problems or even upsell other items. This is a whole new level of customer care, signalling an exciting time ahead.


Why Wavenet?


Your business is unique. You face unique problems which require unique fixes.

As an integral part of an organisation you need Contact Centre solutions that combine disciplines, streamline services and enable your business to be brilliant.

Wavenet simplifies call centre operations using technologies that seamlessly integrate with existing IT infrastructure, deploying them reliably across multiple locations. From entry level applications, to multi-agent, multi-media cloud-based solutions, we can help.

Wavenet partners with best in breed solutions providers, Mitel, Five9 and Cisco to deliver the future of Cloud Contact Centres.

Whether you have a small contact centre with a few agents or a large, multisite centre in need of multimedia capabilities, Wavenet can provide you with a contact centre solution helping you help streamline business operations and boost customer satisfaction.

Cloud Contact Centre, Five9, Unified Communications & Voice, Articles

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