How Gamification Helps Agents Drive Positive Work Habits.

16/08/19 Wavenet
How Gamification Helps Agents Drive Positive Work Habits. placeholder thumbnail

Gamification is being used to enhance employee engagement and improve workplace performance.


It’s proving to be highly effective in contact centre environments. Providing digital motivation and incentives, gamification can help to drive positive work habits and build stronger teams, as well as enhancing efficiency and outputs.


What is Gamification?


Gamification uses gaming mechanics, artificial intelligence and psychology to influence user behaviour. Whilst it won’t turn working in a cloud contact centre into a game, it will keep employees interested, engaged and performing to a high standard. As a result, they will be able to deliver a fantastic customer experience, or CX, and ensure that every individual that engages with your brand has a great user experience.


When agents are rewarded for delivering a first-contact resolution via gamification, for example, they will be incentivised to do it again and again, which will ensure they’re consistently delivering a great level of customer service.


Why Does Gamification Work?


The theory behind gamification is extensive but, in simple terms, it works because it provides users with instant rewards, a level playing field, real-time feedback, accurate results and makes the job more fun. The psychology of the workplace has been studied in great detail and gamification has been proven to enhance employee satisfaction and happiness, which means a better UX for customers too.


Working in the unified communications industry can be challenging and sometimes demoralising. With gamification, however, you encourage, engage and reward agents in real-time, and monitor their performance effectively. As a result, employees are happier at work, feel more valued and perform with increased productivity.


Why Wavenet?


Your business is unique. You face unique problems which require unique fixes.


As an integral part of an organisation you need Contact Centre solutions that combine disciplines, streamline services and enable your business to be brilliant.


Wavenet simplifies call centre operations using technologies that seamlessly integrate with existing IT infrastructure, deploying them reliably across multiple locations. From entry level applications, to multi-agent, multi-media cloud-based solutions, we can help.


Whether you have a small contact centre with a few agents or a large, multisite centre in need of multimedia capabilities, Wavenet can provide you with a contact centre solution helping you help streamline business operations and boost customer satisfaction.

Cloud Contact Centre, Five9, Unified Communications & Voice, Articles

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