How Can Microsoft Teams Benefit the Legal Sector?

20/05/19 Wavenet
How Can Microsoft Teams Benefit the Legal Sector? placeholder thumbnail

Whilst most organisations and businesses have a certain amount of governance around security and compliance, never has there been a sector where this is as strict as those working in a legal profession. With buzzwords always around collaborative working, is Microsoft Teams a viable consideration for those working in the legal sector?


In short, the answer is Yes.


One of the biggest considerations around any software and particularly platforms where collaboration is encouraged, documents easily exchanged and data shared, is that of security. This is even more paramount to those people working in the legal sector, where handling sensitive data is par for the course. Not only is GDPR compliance a consideration but also industry guidelines on data distribution and storage.


Microsoft Teams is based on the Office 365 platform, it includes enterprise-grade services such as secure document sharing, real-time collaborative editing, content management and high-grade online storage. It also means you can access the documents you need securely from anywhere, anytime, making remote working easy and accessible to all employees.



Office 365 is compliant with the following industry standards:
  • ISO 27001
  • EU Model Clauses

Permissions, version control and record management are all built-in. Allowing for secure archiving and management of documents.



With built-in security that detects malware, phishing attacks, spam and other threats your data is protected better than ever before. 
The Administration is all from a single portal where you can manage both users and services. Permission levels within Teams further enhance security and these can be managed on a team or channel level.

Document Storage


One of the biggest challenges faced in the legal sector is how to store, manage and share documents securely. With Teams, you can store and access your documents anywhere, anytime and even offline. You also have the ability to share them securely both internally with your team or externally with clients.

Remote Working


More and more organisations are implementing remote working, in the legal sector, this is of particular importance when needing to work with clients. Microsoft Teams allows you to securely access all your documents from anywhere and easily collaborate with your colleagues over a secure connection.

External Calling


Microsoft Teams has the ability for voice calls. However, TeamsLink, available from Wavenet allows you to upgrade your Microsoft Teams to enable external calling to traditional numbers. With TeamsLink you benefit from the security provided as standard from your ISP along with diverse routing to ensure you never lose connection.

Why Wavenet?


Wavenet have over 20 years experience in voice technologies working with businesses across the UK to deliver high-quality, reliable voice and phone systems. With TeamsLink we have partnered with Microsoft to create a platform that provides on-net, high quality traffic through diverse routes to give your business the ultimate unified communications foundation.


We have an internal development team dedicated to advancing our technology and providing our customers with the best solution on the market. As well as our own developers we are partnered with vendors that can provide Microsoft Certified handsets that run Teams directly on-screen, giving you the choice of how you roll out Teams calling to your users.


Unified Communications & Voice, Microsoft, Articles, Microsoft Teams, Legal

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