How to configure the network settings on a MiVoice Conference Unit

27/10/18 Wavenet
How to configure the network settings on a MiVoice Conference Unit placeholder thumbnail

Customising network settings on the Mitel UC360 to suit the preferences of your business could not be simpler and takes next to no time to complete.


How to start

Before you begin, however, it must be noted that, if installing with a MiVoice Business/MCD, it may be easier to use static VLAN and QoS values by entering the information into the UC360 Network Settings manually.

Whereas, if you implement a DHCP server to provide these values to the Mitel Conference Phone, it’s likely that the 3300/MCD DHCP server may not support a field defining L2 and L3 QoS values for Multimedia  conferencing, in which case static programming is required.


By selecting Settings>Advanced>System Settings>Network Settings, you will be given the following options:

  • View Current
  • Modify Static
  • 802.x Protocol
  • Hardware

With the Tools and Features tab, you are able to activate or deactivate a number of network-related protocols including DHCP, CDP, LLDP and Firewall Filter (enabling all of these options is strongly recommended).

Enabling the VLAN protocol will activate VLAN tagging information to be obtained from various sources and, if you wish for authentication to be performed before allowing network access, it is recommended you enable the 802.1x protocol, too!


Why Wavenet?


Real-time communications have transformed the way we work, enabling people to stay connected from wherever they are.

Collaboration is now possible via voice, text, video and web, across all devices, meaning that teams no longer need to be in the same location to work together.

Mitel Connect integrates the full suite of essential business communications tools into a single application.

It enables your business to communicate seamlessly with your people, customers and prospects without juggling separate apps.

As the most reliable, flexible and intuitive business communications solution, Mitel Connect will bring a fundamentally different approach to your end user communications experience.

It uses the very latest phone system technology and can be integrated into business applications such as Microsoft Office 365, Skype for Business and CRM to give you a business-wide, unified approach to communication and collaboration.

Hosted & PBX Telephony, Mitel, Unified Communications & Voice, Articles

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