Why an Integrated Contact Centre is Critical for Customer Experience.

16/08/19 Wavenet
Why an Integrated Contact Centre is Critical for Customer Experience. placeholder thumbnail

Companies rely on sophisticated customer relationship management platforms to store critical data about their customers.


As well as retaining contact details and previous order information, many CRM systems keep a record of every interaction an individual has with your brand. 


Delivering Customer Service


Having access to this information is critical if you want to deliver a good customer experience. If a customer has contacted your company previously, they won’t want to have to recall the entire call and subsequent consequences again and again. Instead, they’ll expect your agent to be able to access the information from your CRM system.


Similarly, having access to a CRM ensures agents can determine what the appropriate solution is following a contact and deliver it accordingly. Depending on the customer’s history with the company, their previous communications, and their prior spending habits, there may be a variety of solutions available, so being able to access the customer’s history via a CRM is essential when it comes to delivering effective first-contact resolutions.


Using an Integrated Cloud Contact centre


A cloud contact centre allows you to offer unified communications and an exceptional CX. With faster response times, various contact options and efficient routing via artificial intelligence, customers can engage with your brand more effectively than ever before.


A particular advantage of using a cloud contact centre, however, is the ability to integrate other systems and platforms into it. Instead of relying solely on your cloud contact centre, you can integrate your existing CRM system into it and enhance the UX even further.


Whilst a cloud contact centre enables agents to deliver a great user experience, a CRM ensures agents can access customer information immediately and provide a unique and personalised service to each customer. As a result, first-contact resolutions become possible and customer queries can be resolved almost instantaneously. 


Enhancing Customer Experience


If your business offers more than one product or service, having an integrated contact centre is particularly important. Many companies offer a wide range of plans, services and purchase options, so customer queries can vary dramatically. Indeed, two customers may have the same query but will require different information, depending on their current service plan or product purchase, for example.


As customers may not be aware of exactly which plan they fall under, an agent would be unable to provide them with effective customer service or a first-time resolution unless they were able to access their details. By integrating your CRM platform into your cloud contact centre, you can ensure that agents can access this information instantly and deliver the exceptional customer service you’re striving for.


In addition to this, the flexibility of cloud contact centres ensure that various models and CRM platforms can be incorporated into your contact centre. If you switch to a new CRM platform in the future, for example, integrating it into your existing cloud contact centre will be simple and straightforward, and won’t have a negative impact on customer experience.


About Wavenet




Wavenet is a leading business to business communications provider with the mission of being the most trusted supplier of voice, data and cloud solutions in the UK.


With over 8,000 customers across all industries, Wavenet offers SMEs and enterprises future-proof technology that drives positive change and delivers a competitive edge. Drawing on a 30-year pedigree of providing reliable, flexible and innovative services, the company offers an extensive portfolio including Networking & Connectivity, Unified Comms & Voice, Security & Compliance and Technology Services.


Wavenet has long-standing certified partnerships with Cisco (including BroadSoft), Mitel, Microsoft, Silver Peak and BT Wholesale.

Cloud Contact Centre, Five9, Unified Communications & Voice, Articles

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