Unleash The Ultimate Collaboration Tool with Microsoft Teams

13/08/19 Wavenet
Unleash The Ultimate Collaboration Tool with Microsoft Teams placeholder thumbnail

Integrating all of a Business’s Communication Channels into a Single Platform is a Challenging Process and one that many Firms have Struggled with for Years.


UK-based IT specialist Wavenet, however, is proud to announce that it is now assisting companies in integrating their legacy communication tools with MS Teams. 


MS Teams is a Microsoft product that lets companies integrate many of their existing communications channels into a single, user-friendly framework. The purpose is to bring together both native and third-party applications, enabling employees to communicate via multiple channels with multiple stakeholders more easily. The software links calling, meeting scheduling, file sharing, messaging and phone services into a central hub with a friendly interface.


The Case for Voice.


Wavenet, however, realised that the current system had a problem: it did not allow enterprises to link MS Teams with the national voice network. The company says that it has now found a way to connect Microsoft Teams to SIP Trunks using a technology called Direct Routing. Through a range of technical procedures, Wavenet now provides a service to integrate legacy phone systems with Microsoft’s up-to-date multi-channel communication software. 


The need for services like those offered by Wavenet is great. Many businesses rely on legacy communication systems to speak with their customers and clients. Any company that makes substantial changes to the way that it communicates with customers risks losing business. It is not something that IT managers want to do. 


Connecting Legacy Technology to New.


Wavenet’s new product helps companies step over this hurdle by hooking up legacy technology to modern, unified comms systems, providing the best of both worlds. Using Wavenet, companies get to keep using the same legacy systems while benefiting from a range of cloud- and team-based communication tools. 


The Leader in Collaborative Working.


Wavenet provides compelling reasons for companies to switch to MS Teams. The firm says that the software can generate high-performing collaborative teams when integrated with phone calling features. 


Microsoft Teams lets colleagues instantly share files and collaborate on working documents in real-time and provides in-app messaging functionality to cut down on email chatter.


MS Team’s functionality also extends to online meetings. Wavenet says that many of its clients use the software to hold meetings with their customers, prospects, and team. MS Teams makes meetings more efficient by recording proceedings and letting users listen to them at a later time. 


Wavenet provides a host of compelling reasons to use it to integrate regular telephone services with Microsoft Teams tailoring solutions for any business need. 

Technology Services, Unified Communications & Voice, Microsoft, Articles, Microsoft Teams

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