Wellbeing with Microsoft Teams

28/09/20 Wavenet
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Microsoft rolls out a new experience in Insights, helping us focus on our wellbeing and productivity.

Introducing Insights


Seemingly overnight, companies across the globe were forced to change how they worked and adapt to working from home. Kitchens became workstations and the humble dining table transformed into a boardroom.


Collaboration tools became lifelines.


Balance, resilience and productivity took on new meanings. Our ability to rapidly respond, helped us stay productive, meet our customers needs and kept our businesses running. But juggling this change to working has not come without a price and the cost to people's wellbeing is not sustainable.


In order to thrive amid great change addressing organisational cultures is key. These cultures need to make it easier to do our best work, increase our productivity but also connect to our team mates and recharge.


Microsoft has invested in employee wellbeing for many years, bringing us MyAnalytics and Workplace Analytics and these insights will now we brought to Teams, aiming to aid in productivity and wellbeing.


Personal Insights


Productivity is important, but so is wellbeing. With personal productivity insights coming in Teams for MyAnalytics users in October, wellbeing is a new focus.


This new rollout will allow users to strengthen relationships with important people in their network, stay up to date with important information, schedule time for uninterrupted work and tasks and plan time for 1:1's.





Personal Wellbeing


Coming in 2021 personal wellbeing experiences expands to include a virtual commute, designed to provide you with a mental end to your remote workday. Schedule breaks to keep you productive and alert during the day and minimise your risk of burnout and take advantage of specially curated sessions by Headspace.

It's more important than ever before to stay connected to your team and purpose. With new Teams experience - emotional check-in also due in 2021 you and your teammates will be able to tap into how you are feeling, improving the effectiveness of day to day communications with your team members.


These wellbeing insights are also available within Outlook. Start your day with key insights and prompts such as meetings to prepare for and commitments to follow up on, all delivered in your daily briefing email from Cortana.



TeamsLink with Wavenet


Enable external voice calling from within your Microsoft Teams client securely and efficiently with TeamsLink™ from Wavenet. Connecting inbound and outbound calling directly through Microsoft Teams. Make and receive UK, international and mobile calls even with non-Teams contacts with reliable and cost-effective calling bundles.


Teams Example PicTeamsLink and Microsoft Teams will give you the power to boost your business into a high-performing, collaborative team allowing you to share files and collaborate on working documents in real-time, with instant messaging built directly into the platform.


TeamsLink gives your business the ability to easily hold online meetings, with your team, or even your customers and prospects no matter where you are. Even if you miss the meeting, have to leave early or have arrived late, you can easily listen to the meeting in your own time as Microsoft Teams can store the recording for you.


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Unified Communications & Voice, Articles, Microsoft Teams, TeamsLink

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