The Economic Impact of Microsoft Teams

25/06/20 Wavenet
The Economic Impact of Microsoft Teams placeholder thumbnail

Return on Investment


Microsoft recently  commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a New Technology Total Economic Impact™ study of Microsoft Teams Platform and examine potential return on investment enterprises may realise by rolling out the Microsoft Teams platform.


Addressing Pain Points


Bringing workforces together, particularly when working remotely is no easy task. Microsoft Teams has addressed this challenge for many businesses, from many verticals, tackling the 3 biggest pain points that businesses cited prior to adopting the platform.


  1. Businesses struggled to drive adoption for productivity and data visualisation tools already available to employees.

  2. Employees constantly switched between applications and tools throughout the day, losing time and momentum.

  3. Employees sometimes chose publicly available third-party communication applications, increasing risks for data security for the organisations.


By adopting the Microsoft Teams platform as a hub for teamwork this enabled businesses to both reduce the disruption to employee productivity and to simultaneously enhance data security and compliance.
The study projected a return of investment of over 393% over a 3 year period.




Additional Benefits


Throughout the study, additional benefits were also noted by business that adopted Teams as their platform, these included;


  • Increased employee engagement - Bringing all functionality into one consolidated,easy-to-use platform increased employee experience by reducing the effort required to complete their daily tasks.
  • Improved insights to influence decision making - The Teams platform presents real-time data in an easy-to-digest format through integration with data visualisation tools, enabling businesses to easily act on insights and accelerate the decision making process.

  • Better business outcomes - Teams has many integrated applications to support business functions, allowing organisations to utilise previously untapped revenue streams.


Additional Business Opportunities


The study also identified several additional business opportunities and uses from adopting the Teams platform;


  • Driving further employee adoption - Introducing new employee groups to the platform would inevitably lead to new use cases and better business outcomes.

  • Driving innovation - A central collaboration environment for developers across the business removes the associate delays in innovation and development.

  • Expanding integrations - Integrating new tools and data sources into the Microsoft Teams platform and making them usable could have a big impact on utilising the existing knowledge within each organisation.


It's clear to see that Microsoft Teams has many benefits to all organisations, with employee adoption and ease-of-use paving the way for significant cost savings across a business.


Unified Communications & Voice, Microsoft Teams, TeamsLink

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