Why AI Must be Humane to Benefit Businesses

10/03/21 Wavenet
Why AI Must be Humane to Benefit Businesses placeholder thumbnail

Can AI truly benefit CX?


The year 2020 brought about many things, the major one being COVID-19. It was also the year of facemasks, social distancing and hand sanitiser. But there was, as we look back in hindsight, brilliant aspects to the year that will go down in history as one of the worst in decades. AI is undoubtedly a positive aspect of 2020. But despite the surge in businesses all scrambling to adopt it, keen to pave a way to their recovery out of the pandemic, many are sadly not learning lessons from the year COVID struck changing the face of businesses worldwide.  

With that in mind, CX Today welcomes Wavenet’s Head of Contact Centre, Johnathan Zemlik, to discuss in an exclusive interview why for businesses to get the best out of AI, bots need to have the human touch.  


>> Read the Full Interview <<

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