Zoho Notebook for Microsoft Teams

21/10/20 Wavenet
Zoho Notebook for Microsoft Teams placeholder thumbnail

Bring your thoughts and teams together.

Introducing Zoho Notebook for Microsoft Teams


Microsoft rolls out another new app integration to keep you connected to your wider team. Zoho notebook for Microsoft Teams allows you to access, create and edit all your note cards without switching between browser tabs.


You can organise your note cards by creating and associating them with notebooks. Colour code your note cards, choose notebook covers and personalise your notes in numerous ways. 



Easily Save your Thoughts


Zoho is great for capturing your thoughts the moment you think of them. Whether it's making to-do lists, taking meeting notes, capturing moments or adding files and spreadsheets you can organise and keep all of these with the note cards in Notebook. Access and editing notecards in simple and there's no need to change tabs.







Easily organise and keep track of your notes with easy to find and manage note cards all from within one single window view.

Enhance your productivity and improve your organisation by associating your note card to notebooks - in the same way files and folders work. You can group notecards, move and copy them between different notebooks as required.






Personalising Zoho is quick and simple. You can colour code your note cards, create different covers or use one of the covers available. Notebook even adjust colours to reflect your theme in Microsoft Teams.


Security and Alerts


There's some extra security features in Zoho to keep your notes away from prying eyes. Passcodes lock your notes meaning even if your Teams is open your notes are safe.

You can also get notified of key events by setting reminders for your notes, perfect for to-do list deadlines or important dates.

And finally you can search and retrieve your notes from directly within your Teams interface.



TeamsLink with Wavenet


Enable external voice calling from within your Microsoft Teams client securely and efficiently with TeamsLink™ from Wavenet. Connecting inbound and outbound calling directly through Microsoft Teams. Make and receive UK, international and mobile calls even with non-Teams contacts with reliable and cost-effective calling bundles.


Teams Example PicTeamsLink and Microsoft Teams will give you the power to boost your business into a high-performing, collaborative team allowing you to share files and collaborate on working documents in real-time, with instant messaging built directly into the platform.


TeamsLink gives your business the ability to easily hold online meetings, with your team, or even your customers and prospects no matter where you are. Even if you miss the meeting, have to leave early or have arrived late, you can easily listen to the meeting in your own time as Microsoft Teams can store the recording for you.


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Unified Communications & Voice, Articles, Microsoft Teams, TeamsLink

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