The WLR Switch Off Has Been Delayed!

14/06/24 Thomas Dennis
City scape network concept

BT have recently announced that the PSTN switch off has been delayed to 2027 (1). The project was originally scheduled to finish in December of 2025 but due to various reasons this has been delayed. The new deadline for the switch off is 31st January 2027 meaning that businesses, schools, hospitals, libraries, surgeries and many more have more time to transition onto the new IP (Internet Protocol) Network.

BT have extended the deadline for the switch off to ensure that technologies can be upgraded and all improvements to the network can be carried out within the specified timeframe. The extension of time will enable businesses to have a smoother transition onto the new network and minimise the risk of technology not working when the new fibre lines are fitted (2).

What will this effect?

As PSTN and ISDN lines are so commonplace there remains a lot of technology that is currently operating on these soon to be legacy networks. This change will affect almost everyone, and consumers need to be aware of what will no longer work when the new fibre network is implemented. This delay doesn’t change the original focus of transferring the old lines onto the new fibre network, it is merely a delay in the project timeline. Most technology that is currently running on the old networks will need to be replaced by alternatives that are supported on the new network. This means that all businesses using legacy technology will need to transition to supported technology which may result in investing in modernised equipment. This could range from anything between a small handset to fridge freezers in supermarkets.

Examples of technology that will be affected

  • Phonelines – Non digital phones will no longer be compatible
  • Lifts – Emergency alarms and auto-dialers will no longer work
  • Fridges / freezers – No longer be able to receive and transmit signals or alerts
  • Fax machines – No longer be able to send data across the network
  • Alarms and EPOS machines – Alerts and updates will no longer be sent
  • CCTV – Activity caught on CCTV will no longer be transmitted

Why is this happening?

The transfer to an IP network instead of PSTN or ISDN networks will enable organisation's across all industries to access higher network speeds than what was previously available. Furthermore, the legacy technology within the exchanges will no longer have replacement parts available meaning they will have to be updated to the new network. This will enhance existing VoIP & unified communications systems, as well as aid in implementing any new technologies that require higher, more scalable and more stable connections to run effectively. The application of an IP network will eliminate the need for traditional phone lines and manage both phone services and internet access at the same time. This then has an offset effect on businesses reducing costs, increasing connectivity and accessibility allowing access to higher levels of service.

How can you prepare?

There are many businesses and individuals that have still not transferred onto the new IP network. These businesses will need to establish what devices they use that are on the old network and begin the process of transferring them over. To ensure that the transition runs smoothly businesses must ensure that they have thoroughly thought-out what technology they use that is currently on the PSTN network. For those businesses who have not successfully migrated before the deadline, they may find that some aspects of their business will cease to work as they are not supported by the new network.

Contact Wavenet

Contact Wavenet to guide you through the process to ensure that your business continues to run smoothly without issue. As the deadline has been set it is crucial that you contact us about the switch off to ensure you’re not left behind in these exciting times. We hope to speak to you soon and make your business brilliant!


  1. BT (2021)  PSTN Switch Off
  2. BT (2023) PSTN Switch Off 2027



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