Wavenet Education

Voice & Unified Communications for Schools & Education

Cost-saving cloud hosted VoIP telephony services & communication solutions for the education sector.

Smiling school secretary aswering the phone.

About our VoIP service

Voice over IP (VoIP) is a cost-effective telephony option for schools and MATs, with no line rental or call management costs required. Wavenet’s cloud-hosted VoIP solution can be linked direct to your Management Information System (MIS), making it easy to reach the right people at speed.

VoIP is also highly configurable, enabling numbers and handset types to be blocked as needed, and voicemail to be enabled for specified users. Simply scalable, Wavenet’s VoIP offering also ensures that you’ll only pay for what you actually need.

Our service features:

  • Free call recording

  • Configurable Voicemail

  • 999 call alerts

  • Click to dial functionality

  • Dedicated management website

  • Fully hosted telephony services

  • Hardware options available

  • MIS Integration

  • PA broadcast feature available

Want to find out more about Wavenet’s Voice & Unified Communications services? Contact our team of experts at Wavenet today on 0333 234 0011 or use the form opposite:

Find out about the range of features offered by our Voice & Unified Communications services

Father and daughter at home using a laptop.

About our AutoText service

AutoText is an easy to use service that allows schools to text parents, staff or any other groups from a dedicated website.

Relevant information is pulled direct from your MIS, with authorised users then able to send messages to the mobile phones of school staff, parents, or even pupils, via an easy-to-use managementwebsite.

Our service features:

  • Easily create groups to send messages to

  • Integrates with your MIS meaning no manual inputting of data

  • Inform parents / guardians of unauthorised absences or lateness.

  • Run reports to help you find errors in your data.

  • Real time billing information and audit trail.

  • Integration with ParentComms: Mobile for free push notifications.

WLR Withdrawal

As BT accelerates its plans to migrate the UK voice network from copper to fibre, the pressure to change solutions becomes ever more urgent. BT will withdraw the Wholesale Line Rental (WLR) service by 2027. It sounds an age, but it isn’t. Schools need to be thinking about their future communications solutions.

Wavenet Education provide specialist telephony services for schools, so we’ve outlined a few ways you can prepare in this article.

If you want to discuss your options in more detail please don’t hesitate to book a review with one of our experts using the link below.


Old ring dial telephone.

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