
Microsoft Azure is a leading cloud computing platform that helps businesses to solve everyday problems.

With more than 40 use cases and over 200 individual products for businesses to use, its extensive suite of services includes everything from storage solutions and networking to advanced security and remote desktop management. Offered on an elastic pay-as-you-use model, businesses of all sizes can scale up and cut back their usage, as and when needed.

The benefits of Microsoft Azure

Advanced security

As well as its extensive range of security applications, which includes data backup and site recovery, Microsoft Azure is also compliant with industry-leading security measures and standards. Its automatic system updates keep the Azure cloud and your data protected, while its ability to meet regional, national and global requirements makes it easier to ensure your company remains compliant.

Increased accessibility

Thanks to Microsoft’s pay-as-you-use pricing model, the advanced capabilities of Azure are available and accessible to businesses of every size, giving SMEs access to enterprise-grade solutions at affordable prices.

Complete flexibility

With the ability to scale up or strip back usage as and when you need, you’re able to ensure you’re prepared for seasonal peaks without having to worry about taking a hit on profitability in quieter months. 

Training and product support 

With a wide range of online training available, and product support built into the system, each of your teams have everything that they need to make best use of the solutions you choose. 

Download our eBook using the link below to find out more.

IT technician accessing a server terminal.
Internet technology concept for backup online documentation.

Common Microsoft Azure use cases

With over 200 individual solutions, Azure can offer a solution to most business IT challenges. Here are some of the common everyday business use cases: 

Seamless cloud migration & management

One of the main reasons businesses move to Azure is due to the fact it offers all the tools and guidance to easily move away from aging infrastructure and towards advanced cloud solutions.

Comprehensive desktop and app virtualisation

With Azure Virtual Desktop, IT teams can deploy a seamless and secure remote experience to all employees – no matter their locations or device - allowing teams to work productively from anywhere, and more importantly, guarantee a consistent user experience.

Data backup and recovery

Azure’s Backup and Site Recovery apps reduce the risk of an attack or hardware failure by ensuring your data and systems are secure, minimising downtime.

Whatever your business problem, Microsoft Azure could provide the answer.

Microsoft business solutions 

It’s no surprise Microsoft’s suite of business solutions are chosen by more than 50% of businesses worldwide. Perfect for businesses of all shapes and sizes, the Microsoft suite helps to drive efficiencies, boost performance and bolster security. 

At Wavenet, we’re a trusted, verified and accredited Microsoft solutions partner. Specialists in cloud management and cyber security, we’ve a wealth of experience across Microsoft’s solution range, including Microsoft 365 for Business, Microsoft Copilot, Microsoft Azure, Defender and Sentinel.  

Discover how Microsoft's Solutions for Business can help create a productive and efficient workplace. Contact our team of experts today on 0333 234 0011 or use the form opposite.

How can we help?

Wavenet empowers organisations by uniting their technology, networking and data, providing seamless communications and innovative solutions that are supported by the latest security features. We are perfectly placed to deliver a service you can trust. Read our case studies to find out more about our recent work in this area.