
Take advantage of Microsoft Copilot, your very own generative AI assistant.

Fully integrated with your everyday Microsoft 365 applications, Copilot helps to increase workforce productivity by retrieving information, streamlining processes and creating content outlines and documents, enabling you to focus on adding value to your organisation.

The capabilities of Microsoft Copilot

Sophisticated AI-driven reporting

Copilot works with both Excel and PowerBI, meaning it can automatically summarise data, pull out anomalies and curate graphs or tables to visualise key trends. What once would take up hours of your time can be completed in a matter of minutes.

Customer-personalised content

With access to past campaign briefs and customer data, Copilot can create personalised emails and campaign content, as well tailored designs, leaving your teams to focus on innovation, optimisation and strategy.

Operational efficiencies

Copilot integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Teams and Outlook, facilitating the automatic creation of meeting notes and actions, speeding up note sharing and allowing individuals to get into action. What’s more, meeting summaries mean that those who were unable to attend are still fully in the know.

Suggested actions

Always one step ahead, Copilot is on hand to make recommendations about next steps, helping you to overcome creativity blockers.

Businessman wearing glasses typing on computer technology using laptop searching on web working at office workplace desk.
Business man using AI technology for data analysis, coding computer language with digital brain.

The benefits of Microsoft Copilot

Increased productivity

With less time spent searching for files, typing up notes and emails and analysing data, your employees will be able to dedicate more of their day to the core parts of their roles, and where they can add the most value to your business.

Help within every app

As Copilot works across the Microsoft 365 suite, your employees won’t have to switch between tabs to find the data or information they need – instead they can just ask Copilot.

Improved decision-making

Since Microsoft Copilot can find data and information from multiple business sources, employees will always have the best information to make informed decisions, supporting agile business development. But don’t worry, you’ll still have full control over who can access specific files and directories.

Manage file accessibility and security

IT teams can manage access to folders and files on a user or team basis, ensuring confidential and classified data is only accessed by those who are authorised.

Microsoft business solutions 

It’s no surprise Microsoft’s suite of business solutions are chosen by more than 50% of businesses worldwide. Perfect for businesses of all shapes and sizes, the Microsoft suite helps to drive efficiencies, boost performance and bolster security. 

At Wavenet, we’re a trusted, verified and accredited Microsoft solutions partner. Specialists in cloud management and cyber security, we’ve a wealth of experience across Microsoft’s solution range, including Microsoft 365 for Business, Microsoft Copilot, Microsoft Azure, Defender and Sentinel.  

Discover how Microsoft's Solutions for Business can help create a productive and efficient workplace. Contact our team of experts today on 0333 234 0011 or use the form opposite.

How can we help?

Wavenet empowers organisations by uniting their technology, networking and data, providing seamless communications and innovative solutions that are supported by the latest security features. We are perfectly placed to deliver a service you can trust. Read our case studies to find out more about our recent work in this area.