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Networking & connectivity


Future-proofed infrastructure

Fiber optic and hub. Blue cables and red glow.

Ultra-fast network speeds at lower costs.

Wavenet's Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) delivers high-speed internet connectivity directly to businesses. Furthermore, FTTP provides an agile and scalable solution for businesses of all sizes, it's easy to overlay IP services like SIP and VoIP on your FTTP, providing a stable future-proof platform to run your voice services over.

FTTP is also an uncontended option, making it ideal for businesses that need to quickly access applications in the cloud, download and send large files and connect to other sites across the country. FTTP gives you guaranteed speed and performance, keeping your business and customers connected. Powering you to do more, faster than ever before.



Why choose FTTP for your business?

FTTP has wide-reaching benefits for businesses of all sizes:

A superfast experience icon

Ultrafast speeds 

FTTP boosts what’s possible through fibre, with speeds of up to 1Gb, combined with ultra-low latency that isn’t affected by the distance between your premise and the exchange.

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Future-proof your business 

The 2025 analogue switch off is getting closer with some exchanges switched off already, prepare your business by moving to the connectivity of the future that is designed to meet our ever-growing bandwidth demands.

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Flexible and scalable

There are multiple options to choose from when considering FTTP, meaning you can easily and quickly scale your bandwidth to meet the growth of your business.

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Faster installation

We aim to get you up and running on FTTP within 10 days, allowing you to take advantage of the faster, more reliable connectivity quicker than ever before.

Who needs FTTP? 

The short answer is everyone. With the PSTN switch off in 2025 traditional broadband will no longer be accessible. FTTP increases business productivity with higher speed more reliant connections.

Business broadband conjures up images of office buildings, rows of desks and hundreds of employees in front of computers. The reality is that business broadband users very rarely look like this, with many users working remotely particularly with industries such as manufacturing or logistics.

Telecommuting Concept. Smiling Indian Man Working Online With Laptop At Home Office.

Is your business struggling with outdated communication systems? 

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