Growing your business: How to make the most of the digital economy

11/03/22 Wavenet
Growing your business: How to make the most of the digital economy placeholder thumbnail

In an unpredictable world, reliable connectivity has never been so important.

The way businesses operate is rapidly changing, as we all exploit more sophisticated digital tools, more flexible ways of working, and easier ways to communicate and collaborate.

Downtime isn’t an option, and neither are stuttering downloads or stop/start video conferences. When customers visit a website or start an online chat with customer support, they expect a smooth and seamless experience. Why wouldn’t they? They get it elsewhere, so why not from you?

When your business is backed by a network you trust, you not only have the tools you need today, you also have the confidence to innovate and experiment. You can make bold decisions for the future. You can constantly reimagine what your business can achieve.


Making your life easier

But - while connectivity is crucial - it’s not something you want to think about too much. You want to ‘take it as a given’ that the connectivity that powers your critical applications and processes is always on. Quite simply, you want to forget about it.

We’re a BT Wholesale Elite partner, which means your customers' data travels on the same network as information from the UK’s 999 emergency service. This infrastructure is trusted by all of the UK’s critical services, NHS hospitals and public organisations, as well as countless businesses, both large and small.

These organisations know that downtime and connectivity issues can cause serious damage to their operations and reputations, which is why they take services from a network with 99.999% availability. It’s a network engineered to never exceed 50% utilisation, so there’s always lots of capacity to spare. That’s particularly good to know during spikes in demand, like the surge caused by Covid-19.

Downtime and connectivity issues can be critical for your business too, whatever your customer size or sector. What if their ecommerce store goes down? What happens if their customers can’t get through to them, or their remote staff can’t connect to the applications and data they need? Whether your customers are using cloud-based services to manage theirr business finances, or cost-effective and flexible Voice over IP (VoIP) telephony, it pays to have the most reliable internet connectivity possible.


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Future-proofing your business

With that in mind, we can help you access exactly the right internet connection for your customers' business. Partnering with Wavenet Wholesale can make sure they are backed by connectivity that is a great fit now, and that grows with you as they transfer more applications and services to the cloud, connect more remote workers to their network or experiment with the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) or the Internet of Things (IoT).

Because we are supported by BT Wholesale, we can offer a broad range of access options. A small business may need nothing more than reliable basic broadband with a 4G backup, while a large business is likely to require a faster and more sophisticated solution that connects dispersed offices and workers quickly and securely. As your customers grow, we’ll make sure that their connectivity grows with them.


Service, security, support you can trust

And if your customers ever have an issue with their connectivity, we’ll make sure it isn’t an issue for long, thanks to the access we have to a huge network of specialist engineers. Rest assured too, that our service is protected by 3,000 cybersecurity experts who test the network 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

What all this means for you is that, by partnering with us and taking our connectivity services, you can become the always-on business you need to be to compete in this digital economy. Whatever your requirements, we’ll keep you connected. We’ll help you communicate more easily, collaborate more naturally and serve your customers in the most secure and efficient way. Connectivity is at the heart of everything your customers' business does, so make sure it’s connectivity they can depend on.


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