Spotlight on Success: Sally Hodgson's Journey to Becoming a Microsoft Certified Coach

06/08/24 Wavenet
Spotlight on Success: Sally Hodgson's Journey to Becoming a Microsoft Certified Coach placeholder thumbnail

We are pleased to announce that Sally Hodgson, Head of Client Success and Training at Wavenet Education, has earned the Microsoft Certified Coach credential. This certification is a testament to Sally's commitment to professional development and her dedication to improving the quality of education in our community. Sally is one of the first cohorts in the UK to study for this certification. 

The Microsoft Certified Coach program is a comprehensive coaching program that combines the latest research, classroom strategies, and coaching tools. The program is guided by the ISTE Standards for Coaches and models Microsoft technologies for education. The program is designed to help educators develop the skills necessary to become effective instructional coaches and to support the integration of technology in their schools and networks. 

To earn the Microsoft Certified Coach credential, Sally completed a rigorous training program hosted by insight2execution, who are also a Microsoft Global Training Partner based in the US, that included a two-day in person workshop, monthly check-ins, and a final portfolio project. The program focused on developing the skills necessary to become an effective coach, including communication, collaboration, and leadership. Sally also demonstrated her ability to apply these skills in a real-world setting through a collection of artefacts to showcase her coaching abilities. 

As a Microsoft Certified Coach, Sally will be equipped to support other educators in innovative, effective teaching and learning practices. Microsoft Education issues each certified coach with an endorsement badge and certificate that can be shared professionally through Credly.  

We are proud to have Sally as a member of our team and look forward to seeing the positive impact she will have on the education community. 

About insight2execution (i2e): i2e is the author of the Microsoft Certified Coach program. i2e works with schools and systems to plan and execute professional development programs, including in-person and virtual training on technology integration into classroom environments. Learn more at  

Technology for Education, Training, Development, Microsoft Certified Coach

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